Wednesday, July 30, 2008

the reversal of despair

*gone to Ms. Basilworth's files*

M.M.E. july 08
jillian clark said...

you should make a chapbook

or self pulblish

or make a blog with it

i would read it

Ida said...

Very beautiful and sad. Reminds of Mark Twain for some reason, Mississippi I suppose.

. said...

the asian sylvia plath

Anonymous said...

The last lines are great, and this poem is very sad. I agree with jillian about the chapbook.
I'm from AL-the south is wonderful. I miss home.

Maggie May said...

it is sad. for some reason, i find poems like this, if i write them or someone else does, comforting instead of depressing, not despite of their sadness but because of it. for me i think it is the acknowledgment of what is most true for a person that can free us to see beyond that truth to something else. it is the mystery of that 'something else' that is the blood of every poem i write.

Maggie May said...

...this is why the title of this means two things for me...

Chandini Santosh said...

That magic box of reversal, Mag, How many dollars would that cost and which shopping mall would you get it and how to open the padlock on it and how to read the indecipherable parchment folded inside it and yeah, how to reverse?

Shannon said...

i totally get what you mean by that maggie- I am the same way. Often when I read or write things that by rights should be sad, I find them too beautiful.

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