Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The French Connection: Tiji, The Balloon

a French children's program, magic


  1. Hi Maggie! Thanks for commenting on my blog :) I love getting new visitors; especially ones who leave such sweet comments.

    I love everything French, too. I never write about that - nor do I ever really use any French on my blog; perhaps I should!

    Now I'm off to read more of your blog.


    PS - This little video is so reminiscent of the Red Balloon - just animated. (I guess that was the point?) It's sweet.

  2. The end was very touching. Up until that point my grown-up mind was saying "that balloon would have popped from the change in aire pressure somewhere around the time it encountered the plane." Good to be reminded of child-like mind sets sometimes. :)

  3. I loved this! Thanks for sharing. I especially enjoy cartoons that segue seamlessly from scene to very different scene like this one. It's like visualizing Baroque music.

  4. i just love the music most of all...


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