Monday, December 1, 2008

She Bangs

Once a year, usually during Wintertime, I chop my hair and form imperfect bangs, that I always like better as they grow longer. You can see Blue Thunder's gigantic blue butt in the background of this picture. It decided to stall out on Mr. Curry yesterday as he was taking Ian to his mom.
Old trucks are so cool and such a pain in the rear. Do you see those hands Mr. Curry is wrapping around me? Those hands are my favoritest (yes spell check, favoritest is a word) hands ever. Those hands smell so good, like oil and dirt and work, and they are large and capable and rough and yet have a touch so full of tenderness it can still bring tears to my eyes. Don't you love hard working hands full of love?


For World AIDS day, please take the time to go and read THIS amazing poem by Collin Kelley. It is a brutal and unflinching look at homophobia and AIDS, written with intelligence and soberly recounted, keen observations.
Betsey said...

lovely bangs! you pull them off well!

Lola said...

I love the choppy bangs! They always make you look younger. Sadly, I've never been able to have bangs due to my cowlicks (?)and widow's peak. I've got the freakiest hairline ever!

I also love manly hands that know just what to do!

Collin Kelley said...

Thanks, Maggie. :)

Anonymous said...

MMMMM, smells like my dads hands after a long hard day at the garage. Thanks for the incredible reminder! Much love,

Valerie Loveland said...

I like bangs. I always had them when I had long hair.

PS the word verification for this is "magge"

Maggie May said...

hee hee

Andrea Eames said...

The bangs look great! Makes me regret growing my fringe out ... but Christchurch doesn't have the right weather for fringes. They're always being plastered to your forehead with rain or blown to a 90-degree angle by the wind.

Amazing poem, also.

ButtonHole said...

I, too, wish to weigh in on the bangs and offer my stampe d'approve!

MY word veri is CATUDDR.

Sounds like something that would be followed by a hairball.

oh, look at me misspell it!

new one is "bowtiond"

good one

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I love the pics! Yes, he has great hands! Just like my hubby. I love their strong, roughness. I love that he works hard. I keeps him in shape when so many other men sit behind a desk all day and get soft! Not that there's anything wrong with that. =)

Patois42 said...

Choppy bangs, they be all the rage. You look mighty fine, lady.

Anonymous said...

oooohhhhh...Love the new bangs!

Chopstick said...

Hi hun! I managed to source some tags from my supplier here:

She's still trying to find the same ones as my "Paris" tags, but if you change your mind, don't hesitate to tell me :) LOVE!

S.L. Corsua said...

You look beautiful, Maggie. And with Mr. Curry, as beautiful as a couple can be. Cheers.

michellewoo said...

Wow! Adore the bangs! Super cute.

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