We spent the day at Del Mar on the beach. Del Mar is like a mini-vacation, like Coronado Island is for us, only 20 minutes away and another world where breast implants are more common than coffee shops and the atmosphere is filled with the kind of indolent relaxation that money can bring, when no worries of car payments, water turned off, affording birthday presents or necessary medication cloud an otherwise beautiful day. The shoreline was busy, like I like it, but not overly crowded, something Mr. Curry dreads. It is pressed up against a bustling and beautifully architected stretch of shops and restaurants that overlook the ocean. We bought KFC, potato salad, red grapes, Oreos and let the kids each pick a soda at the local gas station. Mr. Curry and I spent ten incredibly hot minutes in the bathroom with the door locked before we left, and we both were glowing like babies in the sun. We had a Breast Implant Counting Contest and I won, counting 7 over Mr. Curry's 2. Of course, I started the contest before I informed him it was happening. I wore a Billabong turquoise bikini with gold hoops on the hips and one gold hoop in the Cleveland (as I call my cleavage) and felt like a sexy but slightly insecure and self concious preggo. I kept calling images of celebrities on the beach to mind to make me feel better. Sad? Or a cool commentary on the influence of US Magazine? I've been very lucky in that the worst that has happened to my body in my 34 years and 3 pregnancies is some cellulite on my ass and thighs, but no stretch marks or egregious weight gain. I work hard at eating healthy and staying active so I like to think I'm holding strong. Of course, I nearly crapped my pants when I went to Dr. Tseng (before I knew I was pregnant) and found that I weighed 146 instead of the expected 135. I'm 5'7 and 135 is the top of comfortable poundage for me, and I had been working out and eating smaller portions, so WTF was not a strange reaction. I'm so glad I hadn't been doing anything crazy like a pineapple diet and draining my body of it's nutritional stores before I knew I was pregnant.
Lola Ian and Dakota played well after a good half hour of complaining about various issues including the wind (which soon died down and relented to the sun) and Lola's concern that she would not make it back in time for her playdate/spend the night with her best friend Kaylen. YES LOLA WE KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS. Holy persistance, Batman. Ian and Dakota boogie boarded and Mr. Curry jumped around with Lola in the water while I basked ( 30 sunblock over evere inch of my fair skin ) in the sun and watched some frat like guys get busted for drinking on the beach. The five of us went down the beach for a walk and laughed hysterically as a small boy chased a barking leaping black dog down the beach, who pulled a Marley and stopped to squat, IN THE WATER, and take a gynormous POOP. We ended up eating Oreos and grapes and being completely uninterested in the rest of the food we bought. Dakota again was the chosen one to be buried in sand, and Lola and Ian spent a good hour doing so. Our car holds about 2 pounds of fine Cali sand now, and who knows what our pipes look like.
The baby is now moving. My doctor has told me this is unusual so soon but not unheard of for sucessive pregnancies, and I also have a very small abdominal area- it's wide enough, I have hips, but it's very small in width, so my uterus is pressed right up against my tummy, and I can feel, for the last week, the baby fluttering or contracting in there. The nausea is better and I am only occasionally throwing up, which I can control mainly with Sleep, Gatorade, Eating Regularly and Protien at every meal. I am finally able to eat vegetables and fruits again without puking and am feeling much less guilty.
maggie may
Glad the nausea is getting better, that just makes everything worse.
Sounds like an awesome day!
Amazing you can feel the baby already! That is one of the absolute best feelings, isn't it? I still miss that about being pregnant.
Excellent news re: the baby moving, the decrease in the nausea.
From your family beach day, sounds as though you are finally back in the land of the living and enjoying every minute of it!
First of all - I love that picture!
Second - that comment about the ten hot minutes in the bathroom made me laugh out loud. Yay for grown-ups with kids fitting it in when they can!
Sounds like a fabulous day.
Sounds like a great day! I could feel our son move very early, too, because my torso is very short and not all that wide. Poor kid had very little room to spread out ;)
Yes, with each baby you are more aware of the movements at an earlier stage. I'm glad everything is going well.
Hi Maggie, Thanks for sharing your story about the beach. I felt like I was there, and it reminded me of the Hollywood Beach (Florida) Broadwalk. I was there a few weeks ago, strolling with my brother who was visiting and my husband and son. We listened to the outdoor music, a bluegrass festival, but we didn't go swimming. I'm glad everything is going well with your pregnancy. All my best to you and Baby!
hysterical over the mention of kfc and eating healthy in the same post. sounds like you just have some lucky genes :O)
A lovely day. I could picture it all. Nothing would have made me happier as a kid than oreos and grapes for dinner.
So glad that you feel better!
GOtta love the quickies, they keep you young! I am glad you are feeling better and enjoying yourself. I don't care how many times you are pregnant, it is so cool to feel that living one inside of you! But what I am wondering, since your children have unique cool names, have you picked out any baby names yet?
My favorite part of this post is the ten hot minutes in the bathroom! You two got it going on girl!!! I am so freaking happy the hear it. :)
Happy to hear that you are feeling a bit better. Lovely trip to the beach! (Ten minutes in the bathroom--hot!)
I've never been to Coronado but it's on my wishlist. I liked how you described the atmosphere! What does one think about when there's no bill paying worries? I wish I knew!
Ah the Oreos and KFC! Let me say that I cannot remember the last time we bought Oreos OR KFC. This was a huge 'treat' day for all of us :)
ten minutes in the gas station bathroom or the bathroom at home?
either way, i'm impressed and would like to high-five you.
although, if it's the gas station bathroom, i would like to request that you use some hand sanitizer first. :-)
(and thank you for the lovely comment over at susannah's blog!)
ha! no, no, OUR bathroom!
I love it! What a perfect day.
And I must admit I'm still a bit hung up on the ten minutes in the bathroom. Yowza! Good for you two.
Glad the nausea is getting better! 12 weeks, how exciting.
And thanks for your comment! Pardon my ignorance, but what is a Dillards Girl? :)
A xx
glad the pukiness is lifting. I started feeling this baby at about 10ish weeks. It makes everything feel so real
Thats so exciting about your baby!! And i'm glad the nausea is subsiding :)
Did you purposely follow up the dog poop story with Oreos?
146 at 5'7" is not shabby when not pregnant. Relax into this one. You're gorgeous. (And I'm jealous.)
I'm glad you are starting to feel better. Glad you had a good time!
I have to say it: I'm envious of 1)your bikini and ability to wear one; 2)your ten minutes in the bathroom
Thanks for the post -- I always love them...
interesting pics, but love the blog! love looking at something different!
so cute! i LOVE how pregnant women look, so sexy and curvy and maternal. just beautiful!
So proud for you.
So glad you can eat your veggies again.
And sometimes 10 minutes in a bathroom can be hotter than two hours at a resort.
I'm just sayin'.
<3 sarasophia
Sounds like all is well chez Curry -- good to hear!
I am so glad you are feeling better! Glad you had such a wonderful day at the beach... I am jealous... I wish I could go to the beach on a whim!
I am glad you are feeling better, too.
Oreo cookies, a hot ten minutes and a day at the beach...does it get any better than that?
Glad you're feeling better.
So happy to hear you are feeling better. Your day at the beach sounds like heaven.
YUMMY.. KFC is so good, but SO bad-our KFC runs are a secret my room mate and I keep HA! that's funny about the lil kids taking a poop in the ocean. I was babysitting in Venice for my Best Friend and we were playing in the backyard with the hose and her lil girl wanted all her clothes off and then the next thing I know she's standing up peeing in the yard HA.
I'm glad you're starting to feel better.
A day at the beach sounds like just the ticket. I am lovesick for a shoreline! Sounds like you and your fam had a lovely day.
I have beach envy. And semi-pregnancy envy. OK. Not really. I was horrible at being pregnant. But? I am topnotch at newborn snuggling.
i love reading your words!
You just described your day with such amazing detail that it was like we were all there with you (well except that part in the bathroom, I mean the beach lol). Your neck of the woods is my favorite area of the entire world. Literally. San Diego is where we plan to retire and we try to get out there as often as possible, it was like I could smell the salt air so thank you so much for that.
I just blogged the other day that sand was a food group growing up for the very reason you described.
Happy to hear you are feeling a bit more regulated again!
congratulations to you too!!! I tried to e-mail you awhile back when I read you were prego but I don't think it went through. And then I took a massive computer break. We are right at the same spot aren't we. I'm on number 3 too. Being pregnant with two others has def been a challenge for me but I'm surviving. Oh.... I love Del Mar and the Hotel Del is one of my absolute favorite places! How fun! Hope you have a great week!
xx Trina
Hey Mag, I would have loved to have been in your shoes.
And here I was going for adopting and what a heartache it was!
All that on my blog.
Lots of love to you and your baby.
Chandini Santosh
God's Own Country
Good for you wearing a bikini, even if you were a tiny bit self-conscious. I'm so glad that you are feeling better.
I went to an English beach on Sunday -- not an implant in sight! AND the sun was out!!
Glad all is ok and that you're feeling better. Sounds like a blissful day at the beach. I'm jealous! :)
Wow Mag! This is awesome! I can picture y'all in Del Mar, I lived there in 1999 and left just after millenium new year... Nicely put... Take me on your journey with you!
Congrats on feeling the baby and on keeping more foods down. It sounds like a fabulous day out and one that seems to typify a life being gloriously lived.
I am glad you are starting to feel better! Sounds like a lovely family day at the beach!
sounds like a lovely day. wonderful news regarding the baby moving!!
So glad you're starting to feel better. Morning sickness is the worst.
I felt both my kiddies at 11 weeks. The dr. said it was early, but not unheard of.
Glad you all enjoyed such a wonderfully perfect day!!
Your day at the beach sounds wonderful! And I'm so glad you're not feeling as pukey anymore. :-)
Mom I love you so much. And we will manage..
-Dakota Ethridge
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