Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Our Baby Is Gone.

Monday night I began miscarrying. Mr. Curry took me to the ER. After an hour or two I
birthed our baby. My body wouldn't stop bleeding. I lost too much blood. I had surgery.
I had a blood transfusion. I am home. Our family is is mourning.
My little baby had
passed away a week ago apparently. There was nothing anyone could do.
Margo said...

I am so sorry :)

Jenny Grace said...

Oh my darling I am SO sorry.

Sending you big, sloppy, internet hugs. Please let me know if there's anything I can do?

michellewoo said...

Oh, Maggie, I am so sorry. Hugs and prayers for you right now.

Leightongirl said...

I'm so sorry.

Rachael said...

So, so sorry for your loss.

Laura said...

Oh Maggie... I am so so sorry. I know how you feel right now. I had a miscarriage last summer. My sister had one a few weeks after me. I couldn't imagine feeling any more sadness and I felt like no one understood or could relate. No one really talks about their miscarriages and I had no idea the feeling of loss that would come with it. I spent hours and hours online finding other woman who had gone through the same thing and reading their stories. Somehow that helped me. Your body can have actual feelings of postpartum depression, and mine certainly did. Just remember that it will get better, you will feel the weight lift, and its okay to take as much time as you need to grieve. I barely know you, but I am crying right now for you, just remembering the pain that I felt when I went through this such a short time ago. I am so sorry. My thoughts will be with you and your family.

Sara Kempff said...

i never understood the pain of miscarriage until i experienced it myself. even then, the pain was barely understandable. :.(

Steam Me Up, Kid said...

Oh, Maggie. I am so, so sorry. I'm thinking of you and your family tonight.

Petunia Face said...

Oh no oh no oh no oh no. I am so sorry. Wishing you and your family strength and grace and many many hugs.

~ ennui ~ said...

So very, very sorry....

Beth said...

Such sad news. I am so very sorry. Take care of yourself - in every way.

*mary* said...

I am so sorry. I have experienced this particular hell. My thoughts are with you.

Unknown said...

Prayers of healing to you and your family, I am so sorry....

Peace - Rene

Kate Moore said...

Like everyone else here, there's so little I can do, can say, but sorry. My heart sinks for you and yours, for plans, for people and places and ideas and lives and living that will not happen - but will still happen, if that makes sense. Grieve and write and cook and hold and cry and be and read and live. Lots of love.

Pam said...

so so sorry on the death of your baby, a huge sadness for you and your whole family....

Woman in a Window said...

i am so sorry.
so sorry~

Ms. Moon said...

Oh Maggie. Oh Maggie. Oh no.
I want to wrap my arms around you. I want to say, "I know, I know." I want to make you rice pudding and I want to bring you flowers. I want to say that somehow something was worked out in a cosmic way.
I want to put my hand on your belly and say, "I am sorry. Someone lived here. The pain is evidence of this."
I want to tell you I am glad you are alive.

krista said...

oh my goodness.
i am so sorry.
my thoughts are with you and your family...

Annie said...

Maggie, I'm so sorry. I'm in tears for you and your family. Please, take care of yourself. Give yourself time, and love.

Sandi said...

Maggie- My heart is breaking for all of you. I know how loved and wanted this little baby was.

I miscarried my first baby at seventeen weeks. It was horrible. In the past two years we have lost three pregnancies that never made it past six weeks. The first one was worse than any of the others. I think having seen and felt that baby move, it was so much more real.

I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better. Huge Hugs Maggie May. I will sit here and cry with you.

Unknown said...

Oh nooooooo! I'm so sorry. I don't know how I would deal with such a thing, strength and love is being sent your way!

Lola said...

I don't have any words to help you feel better, so I'll just say I'm truly sorry for you and your family and that I know the sadness.

Take care, my friend.

steenky bee said...

Maggie, no! Oh, sweetie, I am so so very sorry to hear this. I've been MIA (again) for a while and just now is the first time I looked over my reader in over three weeks. I saw this post. Oh my God. I'm so glad I looked through my reader. There are no words that anyone can say that will take away your pain. I'll be thinking of you and your family tonight.

katydidnot said...

i am so sorry. i will be thinking of you.

Lemon said...

oh maggie, my heart is wretching for you! i am so so sorry to see this post. thinking and praying and hoping the best for your family!

Happyflower said...


I don't even know what to say other than I am thinking about you and your family and this is so sad, very sad.

Marinka said...

I am so, so sorry, I'm thinking of you and your family.

Vic said...

I've been there too (a few times). It's pretty awful.
I'm so sorry, Maggie. You'll (truly) be in my thoughts.

Paula said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

Robin. said...

oh god maggie, i am so sorry. my heart is broken for you.

Meghan said...

Oh Maggie...
I have no words to express how my heart aches for you and your family. I don't pretend to know what or how to deal with the trauma that you may be experiencing through your body and soul. Know that there is love all around you and many positive thoughts coming your way.

Steph(anie) said...

Maggie, I'm so sorry.

Bird Bath said...

so sorry to hear of your loss. hug.

Aunt Becky said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. There are no words for me to express how deep my sorrow is.

nfmgirl said...

I am soooo sorry for your loss. Nothing but good thoughts are coming your way.

Lacey said...

What? I am... in disbelief. And I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. And I've been sitting here staring at the screen for five minutes trying to come up with something, anything, better to say than "miscarriages suck." But... miscarriages suck. Please let me know if there's anything I can do.

Riley said...

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I am so sorry that happened. When I was younger one of my friends had a miscarriage, it was one of the most trying things in her life

Elizabeth said...

Oh, no. I'm so sorry. I read somewhere that miscarriage is the only death where one receives no flowers. I send you flowers, bunches of them.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

words never feel right enough...but please know that you are in my heart + in my thoughts. i am so, so sorry. hugs + prayers.

Someone said...

I'm so very sorry for your families loss. My thoughts are with you and your family tonight.

Chaos and love said...

love to you and Mr. Curry, and Lola, and Dakota, and Ian. Holding you in my thoughts.

anymommy said...

Maggie, I am so very sorry. I couldn't believe the title of this post. This is the worst kind of hurt, frustration, helplessness. Thinking of you with love and warmth. I hope you can keep your beautiful family in your heart while you take your time and heal.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for you and your family Maggie. Peace to you all.

PurestGreen said...

Maggie...Maggie...Maggie...Maggie. I'm sorry the only thing I can wrap around you is this little chant. I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

I'm so so sorry. You are in my thoughts.

Vashti said...

Oh Maggie I am so sorry. Praying for peace and healing. Take care of your self in ALL ways.
Lots of lovexxx

Liz said...

Maggie, I am so, so sorry...thinking of you and your family and wishing you courage and strength.
take care

julochka said...

i'm so, so sorry for you. the same happened to me last november. it's so scary and so hard.

thinking of you...


Polly Rowan said...

I'm so so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

Mag, I am so very sorry. Sending much love, and keeping you close to heart an in my prayers.

Sharon said...

Hold tight to those around you to help you through this mournful time. I am so sorry for your loss.

Amber said...

Oh my god! I dont know what to say. I dont know you, but I am so so devistated for you. I cant imagine how you must feel. I hope you have a lot of support and love around you. Lean on everyone and let them help you through this. I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

I fear anything I type....would just seem to minimize it.
I'll be thinking of you. ~Mary

Iris said...

Oh gosh. I am so sorry.

Kurt said...

I'm so sorry Maggie. My thoughts are with you.

Evangeline said...

I am so very sorry Maggie.

DKC said...

Oh, darling. I am so, so very, very sorry. One thing I found after having my miscarriages - it's amazing how many women deal with it, and how few talk about it. That would be my advice - talk about it. It's painful, heartbreaking and you have every right to mourn for as long as you need.

Sending good thoughts your way.

Bee said...

I know you wanted this baby so much; I'm so sorry for you and your family.

Badass Geek said...

I can only imagine the hurt. I am sorry. So sorry.

Erin said...

Oh, Maggie May. Aching for you.

CashmereLibrarian said...

I am so, so sorry. Please take care of yourself.

PalagiGirl said...

Oh Maggie, I am so so sorry. You are in my prayers.

Johanna said...

I am so sorry.

Angelica said...

Lots of hugs from me and I'm so very, very sorry for your loss.


Kristin said...

I am so very sorry.

Amber said...

you have strength, real strength sharing this with us. hold to that strength and courage. with that said...i too, am so sorry for your loss, and i couldn't begin to understand the pain you and your family must be feeling.

anna said...

i'm so sorry, warmest most heartfelt blessings to you and your family

Radish King said...

Oh dear god, I am so sorry to hear it, Maggie May. Take care of yourself sweetheart. So very sorry.

Amber said...

I am truly sorry..even having been there, I have no words, just know you and your family are in my thoughts. Take care, Maggie May.

In The Loop said...

Maggie, I am so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you and Mr. Curry.

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Prayers go out to you and your whole family, I am so very sorry to hear this news.

Chaos and love said...

I just realized I sent love and forgot an important person. Sending love to your baby. Maggie, I just wanna sit in your comfy kitchen and have a good chat, and maybe a bit of a cry. Soo much xoxox to you!

Anonymous said...

I am deeply sorry. You are in my thoughts, truly.

S.L. Corsua said...

Oh. My... (My jaw dropped and I couldn't make me fingers type for several minutes.)

I'm a complete stranger and I'm 'virtually' hugging you right now. Maggie, I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. Please be well. Know you are loved.

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...


Mickey Dubrow said...

I am so sorry Maggie.

jessica handler said...

I am so, so sorry. I am sending Web hugs and hot tea and a hand to hold.

Captain Dumbass said...

What do you say to something like that except I'm sorry? Be well.

Anonymous said...

i am so very sorry for you. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


Tiffany said...

No words are right or enough to take the overbearing pain away. Please know that you are all in my thoughts.

Rachel said...

I am so sorry. I went through surgery and transfusion in 2005 when I lost my little boy. Its so unfair and cruel. I hope you are able to rest and heal physically. Emotionally, it will just take time.

Patois42 said...

I am so sorry. I hope you won't be offended by me saying I'm going to include you all in my prayers.

And big hugs from me to you.

Shannon said...

I am so sorry Maggie. So very sorry.

Valerie Loveland said...

Aw, Maggie. I'll be thinking about you.

Jason, as himself said...

Add my "I'm so sorry" on top the other 83.

But I really mean it, just as I know everyone else does.

Life is just too hard sometimes.

Jeanne Estridge said...

Oh, Maggie, I'm so, so sorry, I know how you waited and longed for this child. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, and Mr. Curry and the kids as you go through this difficult time.

Kristi Drennan said...

I'm so sorry for your loss! That's a terrible thing to go through.

Unknown said...

I am so so sorry and send all of my best wishes during this difficult time.

sarasophia said...

Oh my darling! I am so so so sorry!
I have been away from my computer for a few days and didn't see your post until now. My heart grieves and my eyes let fall their own stricken rain in echo of your loss.

A million miles away and still I so want to do anything I can to help you....if you need anything please email me ( It is probably silly and useless to even offer but, know that my entire soul feels for you and wishes I could take this bad bad thing away.

Putting my arm around your shoulders,

Holly said...

oh my, i feel like i was just punched in the stomach, i can't imagine what you are going through. :( maggie, i am soo sorry.

Maggie Madison said...

you are in my thoughts.

Lindsay said...

I stummbled upon your blog and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this post. I am 27, living in Southern California, and I have had 2 miscarriages. My husband and I are talking about trying again. It is hard and devastating. I know nothing about you, but if you ever need to talk, I might benefit from it as well. Good luck and I am so sorry for your loss.

Magpie said...

I am so sorry and I hope that you are taking care of yourself.

Holding you in my heart.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I only just found out. It must be a very hard thing to have to go through. I hope you are taking care of yourself. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Todd Colby said...

I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you.

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