Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Babies, The Movie

Mwa said...

That made me cry. I need that movie physically. Now.

Beth said...

How could it be anything but delightful with such subject matter?

Ms. Moon said...

My heart cannot stand this! I must see it NOW! Thank-you for alerting me to this movie.

Mel said...

This movie looks amazing! I can't wait either, thanks for the heads up.

michelle said...

I can't wait. The kids can't wait. They all want to know when we can go see it. My cheeks hurt from smiling through the trailer and I feel like I might cry.

It's a small world after all

Allison the Meep said...

That made me unbelievably happy.

Ellen said...

Oh this is going to make me want a baby, hold a baby, laugh with a baby...and darn I am in menopause....
Still will look forward to seeing this one just the same!
Thank you for the heads up!

mosey (kim) said...

Oh, the drama. That first interaction made me weep with laughter.

And just when I thought I was done with babies, this makes me want to go out and get one right NOW.

Unknown said...

I feel odd, being the first to comment.
But the trailer made my day.
Thanks for posting this, I'd never heard of it.
Can't wait now either.

okay , that wasn't so bad

Sondra said...

sondra11Me Either... Aren't Babies the BEST!

Rebecca said...

Wow....on so many different levels..>WOW<. I'd love to see that too. When and where and what and all of that? I'd love to see it too. Where did the link come from?

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Brilliant! Cannot wait to see it!

* said...

My friend who's a home birth midwife told me about this film. Then I Twittered it & FB'ed it, too. Can't wait to see it!

Existential Waitress said...

Can't wait to see this either!!!

Boozy Tooth said...

I never knew "Oh my God!" in Swahili was "Oh my Got!" Freaking amazing.

NOTE TO SELFISH MEN: Don't mess with my recycling.

Brigindo said...

Very cool

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I saw a blurb on this movie and I freaked out. I HAVE to see it. Thanks for reminding me.

La Belette Rouge said...

I am among the criers. Yep, it totally got to me.

swonderful said...

isn't it amazing? i don't know if i can take it.

Maggie May said...

i know, i know!!

as far as where to see it, just check

Maggie May said...

the link is youtube :)

Petit fleur said...

OH MY GOD!! I just got a couple new cavities!

xo pf

Phoenix said...

That movie preview is priceless. It makes me want to have kids and I don't want to have kids for another twenty years.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see this film! Reef keeps asking to watch the trailer over and over again.

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