Wednesday, March 17, 2010

a little bit pregnant

That' me. I'm brand spankin new pregnant. I realize only too well that I might lose this little glimpse of life. I'm 35. I lost the baby last year. But I would still tell you all if I did, because
that's how I roll. So I might as well tell you that I am pregnant. I am :) Due in December.

When I asked for advice on Facebook a month back about how to get pregnant,
I got about 12 jokes on the theme of get drunk, have mad sex, and wake the
next morning and PANIC
it worked.

Deep breath.

Deeeeep breath.
Unknown said...

Congratulations!! I am sending sticky baby thoughts your way. I am so happy for you :)

~L said...

Hello Maggie and congratulations.

This is the first time I've visited your blog...came through 'some whine with cheese.' Laurnie linked me to your beautiful piece on Chelsea and her memorial. I like your writing style and your profile tagline..'one woman telling the truth about my life.' That's why I write. Truth. Facing it and making it fit.

Blessings to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you Maggie! I hope that lil spark of life realises in it's teensy tiny little state that it's a good place to be and that it sticks around. *fingers crossed*

Zip n Tizzy said...

I'm not just a little bit excited for you, I'm SO darn excited for you I have butterflies in my stomach! I will also send sticky baby thoughts your way.
Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

Eppyville said...

CONGRATS!!! Looking to have a show down like that myself later this wishes...sending good thoughts your way!

Petunia Face said...


Amber said...

COngrats! Will keep fingers and toes crossed that the wee babe is all healthy and perfect in there!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Pixie dust of what fairy tales are made of being wished upon you and that sweet life within ~

Vashti said...

So happy for you. Will be praying for a smooth one and LOTS of peace.
loves. xx

Kay said...

haha! Congratulations to you! and now I know what NOT to do ;) Best wishes to you all!

Melanie said...

Congratulations Maggie, I hope everything works out for you, you sound like a wonderful person and I wish you all the best!

Katy said...

Oh MY GOD! I cried when I read this....oh maggie congratulations to you, Mr curry & your beautiful kids.....I am sending all positive vibes your way.....this soul will be priviliged to be part of your life xxxx

Murr Brewster said...

That's it--I'm going to Facebook to ask how to live forever. Congratulations.

Elizabeth said...

WOO HOO! I'm happy! For you! And I'm keeping my fingers and toes, well, the whole of my crossable body and deeply Italian peasant superstitious roots crossed for this little one to stay inside and cook.

I'm happy for you! So happy for you. (I had my second and third children at 34 and 38 years)

The Kitten and the Bear said...

Congratulations Maggie!!!! xx

CitricSugar said...

That is wonderful news and you will be remembered in my spiritual communications!! I so hope that everything goes well and I will send as much of my strength and tenacity your way as I can.

Much love!!

* said...

Beautiful. A congrats to you. And here's to more mad sex (just sans the panic & drunk parts).

abigail said...


Mary said...

I remember the sadness of last year - I have everything crossed for you

A.Smith said...

Nothing but good thoughts and holding on tight to the hope and the knowledge that all will be fine and that we will be wondering about names and birthdays and so forth for the next nine months. Blessings and love from here, dear Maggie.

Lydia said...

And now, no more panic. Just keep on breathing deeply.
(My mother had me when she was 35...)

Lorenzo — Alchemist's Pillow said...

Beautiful news, Maggie May. When I first started blogging and following you, you were bravely dealing with the aftermath of that terrible loss last year. I look forward to hearing you tell us all over the next months about how you nurture this "little glimpse of life" and make this world a richer more beautiful sight. All the best and congratulations.

Mwa said...

Congratulations!!! Excellent news. (35 is not THAT old, you know. ;-) )
And best wishes to you all.

Batteson.Ind said...

I'm so chuffed for you! sending big fat, luscious green meadow wishes to you all, like the one lola is cavorting in :-D

Yvette said...

Best wishes Maggie May....I'm sending you healing thoughts.

Take care.

Elisabeth said...

A Christmas time baby, assuming all goes well. May it happen.

These next few weeks will be hard but you have a number of people hoping with and for you. All our good will along with yours should help. My best wishes.

Courtney said...

This is wonderful news! Congratulations!!!!

Mel said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and your family. Hope all goes well this time, and you're not that old - I was 34 for my first baby. Take care of yourself and rest when you need to. Happy, happy news, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Uhh, been there done that ;)

It works!

Lola Sharp said...

Oh darling, I am THRILLED for you. I know how badly you want this. I'm sending all my good thoughts and good karma/energy for you, your family, and your growing baby.

With Love,

Bex said...

Congratulations! Here's to a happy, healthy pregnancy and a beautiful new life on the other side.

Brigindo said...

What wonderful news. Congratulations and I too will be sending happy healthy baby thoughts your way.

Drax said...



Ms. Moon said...

K Soucy said...

I just did the math, you are brand spanking new pregnant! So happy for you all. Congrats!!

justmakingourway said...

Woo-Hoo!!! I love good news in the morning. Sending all my good thoughts to you and that little bean you have brewing.


Johanna said...

Wow! Congratulations! So happy for you.

Jenn said...

Congrats! Sending healthy happy baby thoughts your way...and excess hormones...if you need any of any kind, I've got tonnes!

Christine said...

Congratulations! Sending sticky sticky sticky baby dust your way. Praying that baby is healthy and snuggled up safe and sound inside.

Rachael said...


Catherine said...

Oh my, awesome :D

Stick, baby, stick! Hoping for ya'


Sarcastic Bastard said...

Congrats, Maggie! SO HAPPY FOR YOU.

nfmgirl said...

Congratulations! Nothing but love and good thoughts coming your way. I hope you can find this a time of peace and awe instead of trepidation, and just live in the moment and enjoy each one. You deserve it!

ruthpclark said...

So happy for you! If anyone deserves it, you do. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :)

jennifer said...

congratulations & good wishes!

Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats!!! I will keep you in my thoughts wishing and hoping that all goes well! By the way the pictures of Lola on your last post are fantastic. I love all the green and she looks beautiful and fun!

Allison the Meep said...

YAY! I am so very happy for you and am sending out lots of love and health to you and this new little person.

Steph(anie) said...

deep breath

Paula said...

Yeah!!! So very happy for you all. Congratulations!
It's great when nights like that end with a good outcome, right?
I would be saying "oh, shit! I think I forgot to take my pill..."

Nicole said...


Ellen said...

It is Spring and yes another blogger is preggers! I am so very happy for you and your family!!!!

And 35...well I got pregnant with my 4th at 37...after a 10 year space from our last daughter...our son is a blessing, such a wanted and it took me from 35 to 37 to finally get that joyful news...

Joy, joy to you!!!!

PalagiGirl said...

Congratulations! Sending all my good thoughts and prayers your way!

Kirie said...

Fantastic news, Maggie!! Sending you my best wishes!!!

Cheryl said...

Congratulations, happy thoughts, new life wants to come through you and it will!!!

Rebecca said...

Ohh Maggie. I'm so happy for you! Lots of prayers for a baby that arrives right on his/her due date, gives you just a couple of hours of pain-free labor and is born healthy and happy.

Terri said...

congratulations on your creation. ah . . . life.

Darcy said...

oh my gosh oh my gosh i am soooooooo excited for you!!!!! I am 12 weeks preggo myself (due oct 2) and I am now sending you all sorts of sticky baby dust and prayers. love it love it love it!

swonderful said...

amazing news!!!!! congratulations maggie!

Tiffany Kadani said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you! My hubby and I have been trying for about four years now. I am super jealous... maybe I should do what you did haha. Too bad I don't drink.

Phoenix said...

First of all, CONGRATS!!! Oh, Maggie May, my heart is soaring for you right now! (even as you're gulping deep breaths.)

Also - is it even possible to be only a little bit pregnant? That's like saying you're only a little bit in love... ;)

Kate Moore said...

Woo hoo.

I'm Katie. said...

Ha! You could have heard my gasp from two blocks away. XD Oh, I love this! Love love. I'm sending all kinds of warm n' fuzzies your way.

CM said...

Oh my goodness, you are so funny! That is probably the most original way I've ever seen anyone announce that they are pregnant! Sorry about your loss last time. I hope this time everything goes well.

Unknown said...

congratulations and good luck!

SJ said...

MAGGIEE!!! I saw this at like 4am when I couldn't sleep and I actually sat up in bed (was on my blackberry) and read right away when I saw your title. Love it! Stay positive. Please take care of yourself. Eat fruits and veggies and lay down. Know that I am thinking of you.

Unknown said...

oh Maggie ~~~ I'll pray and keep this wee sparkle of life in my thoughts every day.

Therese said...

Wow. I am taking a deeeeep breath with you and sending long and healthy pregnant vibes your way! Every new little life is amazing. Congratulations, we will be cheering on that little spirit and checking in. Smiles.

Nancy C said...

Oh honey, that's fantastic.

Petit fleur said...

Congratulations to you ALL!! I'm so overjoyed for you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

And, just to give you some extra encouragement, I had my son at 42. He was my first and likely only. But, I had him at the ripe ole age of 42, with gestational diabetes and spiking blood pressure. You will be just fine. To my thinking, you're a spring chicken! (Only much prettier!)
Love you,
xo pf

Amanda said...

Congratulations! Definitely sending all the good vibes one can summon.

Still Life With Coffee said...

Oh my... what lovely news. I can only imagine the beauty that will ensue... what a lucky little child this is.

magnoliaamber said...

Maggie, congratulation! I am so happy for your!

Jennifer said...

Wooo hooo! Congratulations. I'll be thinking happy pregnancy thoughts.

li-thium said...

Congratulations :) My sister is pregnant too and she's due in November. I'm not the one who is pregnant but I am so excited I feel like I am. :) And also, I hope you'll stay healthy and happy. Hopefully everything will be well.

wherewiller said...

All the best for a healthy and happy pregnancy

Anonymous said...

congratulations! that's fabulous! sending good thoughts your way!

xo Alison

krista said...

i saw your post on facebook and didn't comment then because i kept thinking i was going to write you and then i didn't and now here i am, knee deep in the knowledge that I NEVER CONGRATULATED YOU!

rachel... said...

Oh Maggie, I'm so happy and excited for you. You're so brave and I admire that I hope more than anything for the JOY JOY JOY you deserve in December!


Holly said...

AHHH maggie!!!!!!! CONGRATS love!

Evangeline said...

Oh Maggie congratulations! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Michele R said...

So glad you followed that advice on Facebook!
Happy Day! Congrats!

Annje said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you, I know you have wanted this. I will be sending good vibes to you and baby that all goes well.

Lacey said...

YES. Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES.

All my goodthoughts and happywishes are headed in your direction!

Sandi said...

Oh Maggie May! I think about you often and have been praying for this!!! THIS NEWS JUST MADE MY DAY!!! I am praying for that little bean to be a STICKY one!

Magpie said...

Deep breath, and much luck.

Anonymous said...

yaaaaaayyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!

Shana said...


Anonymous said...

ahhh... honey. All good things, all things of light and hope I send your way!

Pam said...

Oh what wonderful news...and I'm sending good thoughts to the universe for your little one.

Lauren Knight said...

Wonderful, wonderful. Thank you for sharing!

I have become such a fan of your blog. You are a beautiful person. Sticky baby, sticky baby!

Laura said...

smiling. hoping all this for you. holding my breath too. glee. that's what happens with a little life inside. i remember.

CSD Faux Finishing said... worked

WONDERFUL news, congratulations to you and Mr Curry!!!

Mama_Bear_Sarah said...

oh yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!

Collin Kelley said...

A little late to the congratulations party, but I am sending positive energy your way. I am thrilled for you!

Maggie May said...

I have read each comment twice and thank you so very much for your support and good thoughts XOXOXO

Steam Me Up, Kid said...

YAY! Sending my best wishes your way!

anymommy said...

So much happy for you. I can't contain it. XO.

Sondra said...

Congratulations, Maggie Mae,
Will keep sending strong loveing, warm energy to you and all of yours, specially the new being checking into your life.

Unknown said...

congratulations maggie! i haven't visited for a while, and this is the news i find when i do! best wishes to you and your family. Hx

Shona Leah said...

I'm new to your beautiful blog, how exciting to read first of a precious little babe all cozy and soon to grace us! I'm sending lots of warm thoughts and well wishes to you both. :o)

Ida Mae said...

Congrats. This made me smile, though, I know I don't know you in "real" life, I know that if I did, I'd dig you a whole lot. Sticky baby thoughts :)
~Ida Mae

Anonymous said...

Oh, Maggie May - congratulations! I've got my fingers and my toes crossed for you. xoxo

Lia at Petite Little Bee said...

Congratulations. This is always such wonderful news!!! Cheers, Lia

cinnibonbon said...

Congratulations and best wishes are in order!!!!
You've got a great blog here--thanks for sharing.

mosey (kim) said...

Oh my. Just saw this and your latest post. Baby, please stay put nice and safe and warm....

Lora said...

congratulations and good luck. I saw this the other day and wanted to write something special, but I didn't know what. Something that came from my guts. Something that said how I know all about that pain and hope and fear and hope and love and hope and the eternal prayer and hope and hope and hope and hope and hope. And how every step you take you take lightly and every thing you do you do deliberately and every hope you hope you hope hopely. But the words just wouldn't come.

Love to you Miss Maggie May

Kempt said...

aaaaaaaaaaand now I'm crying. All the love I can muster. xo

Jenny Grace said...

SO very happy for you!!

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