Thursday, June 24, 2010

family pictures

Lola was a flower in her end of year school play. A very, very energetic flower.

Ian Dakota and Lola at TGI Fridays on Dakota's 16th birthday. His party/BBQ is this Saturday
I feel guilty because the primary thing on my mind is not the family and friends and my son's ascent into manhood, but the work and chores and shopping and organization Mr. Curry and I have to do in preparation. He is working 12 hour day ( ! ) and I am working full time to come home exhausted and lately, feeling ill.

Mr. Curry is working his way through the Harry Potter series with Lola. Aren't his Irish boxers cute? His wife bought him those. He is from a large ( his Dad is one of 12 ) Irish Catholic family.
Our family is non religious but absolutely devoted to Harry Potter, down to each and every child.

Lola took this picture of me. My bra strap is so lovely, don't you think?

Ian's 8th grade graduation- with honors and awards for this brightest boy. He works so incredibly hard and we are so incredibly proud.

Ever, in utero, 16 weeks. I'm 17 now :)

Wolfgang is very scared of balloons. He has been keeping a close eye on this suspicious floater, protecting the family in case it tries to bob near us.
Stephanie Meade Gresham said...

My husband has those boxers!!! Except his are always gaping open in the front when I try to get a good photo for the internet.

Oh, and I can't wait until my Ladybug is ready for Harry Potter. We tried a bit this year, and she asked too many "what's that mean" questions, so we're holding off a little while.

cheers! lovely family photos.

Elizabeth @claritychaos said...

my favorite of these is the one of mr. curry and lola. gorgeous.

your little belly is looking quite cute.


Vic said...

lol at your furry bodyguard - bobbing baloons are a silent threat to us all!

Love the pics... and the bump!


isabelle said...

lovely family pictures!

Traci W. said...

What a beautiful family. Love them all. XD

Elizabeth said...

I loved each of these photos and the little glimpse they gave into your beautiful family. Congratulations to everyone, most of all you for carrying that Ever!

Lydia said...

I really enjoyed these images and your commentary on each. Congrats to Ian on the graduation; happy birthday to Dakota; Lola should consider becoming an actor.....and you two need to get a full night's sleep!

Kate Moore said...

Hey there. Noice. As we say here in Oz.

Lisa said...

I love each and every picture. So much to be grateful for.

Anonymous said...

Adorable. Love your preggo tummy pic, looking down at your lovely curves. You really do have a beautiful family! xo

Dave King said...

My sort of pictures, those! Great.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful. Wow, so that's what family looks like! Sweet.

Unknown said...

Everything and everyone is just luminous and lighter than air :)

My mother's dog is afraid of balloons and vaccuum cleaners and the Kitchen Aid..she's not much of a guard dog :)

Peace ~ Rene

Ms. Moon said...

Sometimes pictures are just the best. This would be one of those times.

Marion said...

Your family is beautiful. I love Lola as a flower and her daddy reading to her. They're all lucky to have YOU. Cherish them because you blink, and they're grown. Thanks for sharing your precious babies. Blessings!

Evangeline said...

What a beautiful family! And being Potter fans just means you are the very BEST sort of people! We are all rabid HP lovers around here, currently listening to the UK version audio books after school during snack/unwinding time.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I love these. Thanks for posting them.

Love you too!

Julia Christie said...

Lovely lovely family and photo story. You look so fabulous!

Petit fleur said...

I adore you all. I wish we lived closer... I'd be so happy to help you with party preps while telling/listening to jokes and stories in the kitchen.

Don't forget to breath. It will be fun once the hectic preps are over!

Annie said...

Hi Maggie,

Great photos! Thanks! Home birthday parties are a lot of work, right up to the last second, before the guests arrive. But once you get started with the actual party, it goes so fast, it's so much fun, and you will have wonderful memories! Take lots of pictures.

Congratulations to Ian for his great grades and graduation, Lola for her performance, and Happy Birthday to Dakota!

PurestGreen said...

I love these. The Harry Potter reading one is my very favourite.

Rebecca said...

School plays, graduations and birthdays along with a balloon phobic dog.........I loved this little trip through your world.

* said...

Love your family pictures! We are also HP fans, I was on the lookout last fall in Scotland for an accidental serendipitious meet up with JK herself (sadly, it never happened).

You are a beauty in every state, but I like pregnant best of all, it is full bloom that is hard to capture in its fullness. In the first picture, remind me of one of my dear old friends. :)

Anonymous said...

these are so marvelous. i love the shot of ever.


xo Alison

Collin Kelley said...

Beautiful family! :)

Anonymous said...

What the heck...does my Dad have three additional siblings that I did not know about??

Lovely pics and such a beautiful family!

thais said...

your pictures are indeed lovely. beautiful family and lots of blessings.

Maggie May said...

lol Kristi is it 10 then? i thought 12!

Maggie May said...

i mean 9! hm rapidly depleting ;)

justmakingourway said...

I started reading "Sorcerer's Stone" with Wonderboy. And then of course I started reading ahead and have now decided to read the entire series through again. Which I did last year, too. It's so satisfying to be able to go right from one to the next without years in between!

Such fun pictures!

Jason, as himself said...

Loved these photos!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

A beautiful family ~ all smiles and gorgeous! Guaranteed EVER is smiling too within her mama's cute little belly!

Caroline said...

Great family pictures. I love all of them but my favorite is the one Lola took of you. Oh and you look marvelous!!


Bethany Susan said...

I wasn't looking at your bra strap, I was looking at your cool hair and the awesome colors in the window. :P

Was there life before Harry Potter? Maybe, but it's a happily forgotten blur, at least for me. :)

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