Thursday, March 5, 2009

Four, Please

Steph(anie) said...

You obviously don't have a fat ass. If you did have a fat ass you would know that those chairs make a suck/fart noise when the fat ass exists the chair. It's a suction thing.

Not that I'm bitter. :)

Jenny Grace said...

I like. I'd like them even better in a poppy color, like a grass green say.

Anonymous said...

Those are cool looking, very space age Jetson's-ish.

Maggie May said...

i have this old school heavy wooden white table with the one big leg in the middle, a country table? and i think it looks fantastic when paired with very modern chairs like this. i want them SO MUCH.


Maggie May said...

i don't have a fat ass. but suction is kind of fun.

Anonymous said...

NICE! I would love these for my new house too!

michellewoo said...

I really like those! Very clean.

Captain Dumbass said...

Sigh. My kids would so break those.

Steam Me Up, Kid said...

Me want.

Holly said...

expensive modern furniture replicas make me sooo happy!! i bought the "eames" hard shell rocker on overstock last week!

Unknown said...

I love them!!! I want four too.


Patois42 said...

Oh, Steph is hilarious! Until I read her comment, yeah, I could see why you'd desire them.

Maggie Madison said...

do they fold up, too?

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