Saturday, November 10, 2012

sing a song of sex and repentance

the salted honey melts:
a single smile on her sly, pained face.

marriage doesn't work like this
a hoar house. a cunting party, hot 

on the scent of the trail.
marriage doesn't work like this

doesn't work like this
doesn't work like this

so early in the morning.
sing the songs they make for our mouths

full of vitamins and butter
body- for what else do we know but one another.

this architecture is surrounded but for where
there is space, where you can make 

what you want. make what you want.
marriage works like this.

meet me in the back with your ugly hands,
i will climb your body with my broken arm.

build the bodies with sweets and scream
- in between the life in between-

the salted honey melts:
a single smile on a pollenated trace.

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