Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Yes :))) I'm pregnant :))))
(and i'm going to go throw up now)
Petunia Face said...

OHMYGODOHMYOHMYOHMY! I did NOT see that one coming!
Congratulations! How are you feeling? Lots of !!!!!!! :)

Ms. Moon said...

Oh my God! Congratulations, Maggie! I can't wait to follow you on this journey.
All good things and many blessings.

Vashti said...

AWESOME!!!!!!! I am so happy for you. I hope you are ok. Not feeling too sick?!
Are you excited?

Woman in a Window said...

OK, I saw this on the top of my page...and...holy wow. Then I started laughing 'cause I thought, if this is a picture of her and she's just finding out now...well, maybe she might have noticed a while ago. But that's just me being stupid.

You're pregnant. You are beautiful and full and apparently very fertile! Be well. Are you happy? I hope you are happy.

zipbagofbones said...


Maggie May said...

hahahaha!!!! no that's not me in the picture! i'm due in December :) i haven't been to the OBGYN yet, just my regular doctor who did the blood test. and yes, i'm happy!! my mom took us out to dinner last night with all the kids to tell them and it was awesome.

Maggie May said...

Vashti i'm feeling SO sick! barf-a-rama. :)

Maggie May said...

thank you Cat. (((hug)))

Steam Me Up, Kid said...

Oh, Maggie, that's awesome. Congratulations!!

Badass Geek said...


Elizabeth said...


Angelica said...

Loooovely news! Hope you enjoy it even if you feeling sick ;D It s normal in the beginning.. I should know with all my babies *laughing*!!!

Take care and lots of love


rachel... said...

Wow! Congrats, Maggie May!

Steph(anie) said...

AAAhahaha!!! Congrats :D

Anonymous said...

Holy Helk! Congratulations! Awesome :)

aurbie said...

Congratulations, Mom!

Laura said...

Congratulations!!!! That is so awesome :) You might not want to read the blog I posted today. I might have complained a little about my pregnancy. Even though I am really so happy to be pregnant! I am excited to hear all about your journey.... how wonderful!

Sandi said...

OH MY HELL! I am so happy for you! YEA MAGGIE! Clearly that sleeping in different beds thing didn't include every night. Tell us everything. How far along are you? When are you due! DETAILS GIRL !!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice one Maggie!

erin said...

Congrats! I'm a strange mixed of jealous and relieved. Jealous cause I'm not having another baby. Relieved cause I'm not having another baby.

PalagiGirl said...

WOW! Maggie May!!! That's WONDERFUL news! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations to the whole Maggie May Fam! Sending Hugs Kisses and Blessings to you!

Sara Kempff said...

okay - i can comment now! HOLY S**T -not in front of the baby! ;) CONGRATS! Bella is a December baby! sagittarius kids ROCK!

Sara Kempff said...

btw: i did a series of pregnant nudes when i was almost 8 months pregnant with Bella. i'm SO glad i did it!

Unknown said...

Whoa!!! congrats!! How far along?

Don't miss the barfing. I do not miss the barfing! :)

PurestGreen said...

Many congratulations!

May I fetch you some water or a cracker or shall I just fan you while you heave?

Cue the pregnancy poetry!

Nicki's Notebook said...

aaaw congratulations! very happy for you!!!! x

CashmereLibrarian said...

Wow, congratulations!

julochka said...

big, huge congratulations!!! what a nice piece of joy in the midst of all of the bad news that's out there! hope you're feeling well!!!

katydidnot said...

maggie! yay!

oh, how i loved being pregnant, enjoy every barfy second!

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...



JOY :)

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

oh my gosh, congratulations!!!

erin said...

Congrats AND I tagged you in a obviously don't have to respond, just wanted you to know I mentioned you and linked you...I'm creepy like that.

Beth said...

Congratulations - and don't forget the saltine crackers!!

Robin. said...

oh wow! congrats x a million!

Erin said...

WHAT?! So many of my friends are reproducing! The world seems right when I see a pregnant woman. Congrats!

Chaos and love said...

Ahhhhhhhh!! Jumping up and down!
I know that the endometriosis was always a question. How fucking awesome is this!! I remember talking with you in your warm kitchen, and this as a desire for you. Ohh Maggie, hugs. Ohh, and hug for Mr. Curry as well :)

Chaos and love said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristin said...

Congratulations!!!! That's so exciting!

Anonymous said...


*mary* said...

Congratulations! Don't worry, that barfy feeling passes... in a few months! Crackers and ginger ale, baby!

Evangeline said...

Wow, congratulations!

Cheryl said...


Jenny Grace said...



Rachael said...

Wow! Didn't see that coming. Congratulations!!!!

Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT MAG! RIGHT ON! Congrats! WOOOO HOOOO! Look out world... she's doing it again!

Holly said...

omg maggie!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!! i cant wait to find out the name :) how are your kids handling this news?

sarasophia said...

Now you can join the "I have four children and I have gone insane" club.

We meet bi-monthly.


So happy for you---here's to hoping after the barfing subsides, that you will feel like the curvy poetic goddess of fertility you ARE....

<3 sarasophia

Sunday's Pearl said...

Congratulations!!! If ever a woman should procreate it should be you.
Tons and tons and tons of blessings and love.

JMS said...

YAY! Another exciting adventure! So very completely happy for you!

Oh - and I know ALL ABOUT being sick "barf-o-rama". I was sick, with both pregnancies, the ENTIRE time. Yuck. Talk about exhausted!

Hopefully, with a little luck and God willing (whichever you choose), your sickness won't last long and you'll feel GREAT in no time!

Jennifer @ Random Ramblings

michellewoo said...

Congrats, Maggie! So very happy for you and your family!

Collin Kelley said...

Woah! Congrats!

Light and Writing said...

Oh my God!! How wonderful! What an amazing thing! Can not wait to hear the things that come out of you now with a wee person growing inside of you!

Kate Moore said...

A great gift. A blessing. Other things. For another time.

Lacey said...

Congratulations! Wow! You totally have taken me by surprise! Congratulations congratulations congratulations!

Vic said...


steenky bee said...

Holy stork delivery! Woo to the hoo! Congrats! Spill the deets! How far along?

Girl On A Journey said...

Frikin AWESOME hu doesnt love a baby! Congrats

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! Saltines are youre new best friend...

Lola said...

Oh, so when you told me I was pregnant, you were the one who was really pregnant!


Becky said...


Coming over from Lacey's place...had to say hello to the newly pregnant lady:)

this wheel's on fire said...

WOW congrats!!! that's so exciting :D

Happyflower said...

Congrats! So is this because of that one date night you posted about? lol

Captain Dumbass said...

You can only read 'congrats' so many times so I'm sending you non-barfy vibes. Look north, they're coming.

YES Gallery + Studio said...

Whoa, Maggie! Sounds like a time of great transition. Many blessings to you. Keep breathing, and trusting the universe. You seem like a fabulous mom and that little soul seems to have made a smart choice! ;)

Bird Bath said...

now that is an exciting development! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Best wishes and hugs for you....
may you glow, grow and enjoy this wonderful adventure.

ConverseMomma said...

Congratulations! OH Mags, that is the most wonderful thing. I am so excited for you. Woot! Woot!

Amy said...

Congrats! And thanks for the comment on my blog.


Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhh i love youuuuuu!!!!
soooo happy for you!!!!
my sister is pregnant as well. u know?
both at the same time!!!!!

so proud
i´m crying tears of joy!

Anonymous said...

Much happiness and health, Maggie May!

Annie said...

Enjoy! I'm so glad you're happy. It's funny how I didn't mind puking, at all, knowing it was just part of the process, and it didn't last long.

Annie said...

I have a photo of myself, similar to the one you posted, at about eight months!

CSD Faux Finishing said...


Frances Davison said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That is fantastic. I am so HAPPY for you! x

Tabitha Blue said...

Congratulations!!!!! That is awesome... and hope you feel better. Great pic too.


Maggie Madison said...

Just when we needed some good news! Congrats!

Jeanne Estridge said...

Woo-hoo! Wonderful news -- congratulations!

Move said...


Anonymous said...

congrats!! That is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Maggie, I'm so thrilled for you. Congratulatons. <3

Anonymous said...

WOW... congratulation times infinity! I can't wait to see the poetry that comes from this journey.

Unknown said...

congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, i know how that morning sickness can just linger. good luck with those few months.
yayyyy for you!!
xox said...

congratulations. so exciting. woot woot woot! lovely, sweet, exciting, wonderful news.

take care of yourself x

The Audacity of Anna said...

Congratulations and good luck :)

Jason, as himself said...

YAY!!! Exciting!

anymommy said...

Wow!! I can't believe I missed this post and I'm so late. Congratulations, darling, that's wonderful. Kisses and hugs.

Diana said...

oh my gosh!! congrats!!

(this has not shown up in my reader and i was curious about it!!)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! How exciting!

LR Photography said...


Leigh said...

WOW! Fantastic, congratulations! I'm sorry I've been a bad blog-reader and I didn't realize you are pregnant until now! I look forward to reading about your journey. Be well!

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