Friday, May 16, 2014

People In Your Neighborhood

take a seat and read with Agatha!

Meagan Francis is a friend of mine and an extremely talented blogger, writer and the mother of a large, thriving family of five kids. She has been published in places like Parenting and now has an Ebook out: Beyond Baby: A Week By Week Guide To Creating A Life You Love When Your Kids Aren't So Little Because we all get growing pains, we all get lost.

Sarah Silverman, the poorest famous person in the world. 

Computers kill.

I love writing like this: Scientists Claim Quantam Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe At Death

Slideshow of mothers turned activists 

It never fails to amaze me what life is like all over this planet. In Israel, there is a literary bomb shelter where creative writing is taught.

Recovery Diaries: a website on the subject of mental illness of unusual insight, compassion, intellect and creativity.

I don't know this person, but this touched me so deeply, the picture of him, the look on his face somehow very innocent despite all the pain and fear he has suffered. Funding Dean's Bionic Arm

Julianna Baggot is a writer and blogger: An Open Letter to the Well Intentioned People Who Keep Telling My Family To Hedge Our Bets

'Jesse Lee' by Sandy Ebner 

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