here is Bodie's song: " Bodieeeee Bodie Muchachas, King of the Wild Frontier! "
here is Wolfie's song: " Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfie Toofie! "
here are Dakota's pet names: " Doda Wolf ( his middle name is Wolf ) Cody, D "
here are Lola's pet names: " Yoya Moon, Lola Moony-Moon, Lola Coaster, Creampuffs (what I call her cheeks )
" here are Ian's pet names: " Ian Oliver, Ian Owl "
here is what Lola calls her girlie parts " Lavina " (pronounced La-veye-na)
here is what Lola calls her hiney " Buttina " (pronounced Butt-eye-na)
here is the song I sing to the children ' You've got a cuuutie, a cutie booootie, it's fresh and fruity '
here is another ' i love you more than a big zambonie, a bowl of macaroni '

here is a conversation between Lola and Dakota:
D ' Lola made a wet-wet! '
L ' You better take that back right now. RIGHT NOW. '
D ' Or whaaaat? '
L ' Or I'm going to march right over there and pinch your face off. '
D ' ooooooo '
L ' What does family even mean to you, Dakota? '
i tell my children ' if i told you for a thousand years, a million years, for infinity- if i told you how much i love you for that long, it would not be long enough'
and that is the truth.
Maggie ain't that the truth...for sure. You can't say I love you enough to the ones you love. Great post love....I'm off to work it's 4:31 in the am and this made my day. I will think of
Lavina " (pronounced La-veye-na),
Buttina " (pronounced Butt-eye-na),
You've got a cuuutie, a cutie booootie, it's fresh and fruity...
i love you more than a big zambonie, a bowl of macaroni...
What a great way to start my day, baking cakes and making bread god I hope this stays in my head......this is my song for today.
Have a wonderful day
I feel exactly the same way- I love those unique family words!Such a great mom!
There is a whole lotta love going on here:)
The stories we have of the love of our children and the things that they say and the remarkable way they have made us who we are while we allow them to be who they are and it is our joy, it is our life, it is our meaning.
You share your family so well. I've known of that love, that perfection in imperfection. We must be terribly lucky women.
Love it.Love it. Love it.
Your family is beautiful. I love when you share pieces like these...
i call you fo real cause it's the troof.
Maggie that is such a lovely post. All the silly things we say to our kids, all the silly things they come up with... all part of the endless love story.
I just have this beyond fun mental image in my head right now of you singing this song while all the kids are jumping and dancing and smiling because they KNOW exactly how much they are loved and adored!
You are a very good mama! :)
I just love you! And I love how you are so honest and reassuring towards your little beauties. Their own loving energy is palpable and captured beautifully in the posted photos.
As jb said, those body part names are too much!
Thanks for sharing your heart and your family with us all. (I guess those two are inseparable... I am redundant!)
xo pf
What a lovely post, a wonderful peek in to your world. And all that overwhelming infinite love. Beautiful.
Big smile.
I'm totally calling it my buttina from now on.
I agree... you couldn't have said it better.
I made up songs for my babies. Now my babies sing these songs to their dolls and animals. It's so easy to let them know they are the world to us, it makes me wonder why so many people don't bother.
This was priceless. I so wish my family had written down any of the cute stuff I said as a kid... if I ever said anything cute that is, haha. It would be so fun to look back at it now! ;-)
I LOVE this post. There is so much love in your little family.
I used to make up songs to sing my babies to sleep.They are 21 and 24 now and I know they don't remember any of the songs. I remember them and I'll sing them again when I have grandchildren. I'm sure you will do the same.
I don't know how I missed this post! I really love how much you capture the "real" in your life and in all of ours, and I also loved your video below.
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