thank you, Lola, for making me read the unauthorized Jonas brothers book to you so many times. how could i live without knowing that Joe's favorite animals are monkeys? if i were a teenage girl, ( no one tell my husband or kids- but i AM ) i would like Nick. he's smart-eyed.
sweet dreams, honey. you are seven, and you love the Jonas brothers. i am thirty-four, and i love you.
This post is adorable! The things we do for the ones we love... <3 Just gorgeous.
Kid's have such a great way of slowing us down don't they! (in the good way).. I know 'The Cuggy Thief' off by heart even now and haven't had to read it for five years... I miss reading to the kid... now she's nine and wants no interference from me!.. *sob....
The Jonas brothers so sweet. Your a good mother to read it to her so many times. It's pure love and it's beautiful. Have a great day Maggie.
Very sweet pict. "smart-eyed"... I like that.
7 yr old daughters are something, huh?
heheheh~ I feel that way about Thomas the Tank Engine. Mine is 3.
She's adorable.
Who wouldn't love that child? You're such a good mommy.
Monkeys? I would have thought that he'd like kittens or puppies or koalas... something that would increase his "aww" factor.
Not to me, to the legions of young girls.
So sweet.
And now I know a little something about the Jonas brothers... heh.
I am very proud of my own vast knowledge of Star Wars, Lego, Bionicle and Roblox. Although my sons still look at me with eye-rolling, exasperation when I say stupid things like, "Isn't Greedo the green one?"...still I think I'm doing pretty well for myself. ;)
I am 43 and *I* kind of love the Jonas Brothers, in a hit the mute button cougary kind of way. Don't tell anyone.
Also? I spent several months this year thinking that I am 44 and planning a blowout 45th birthday party. Apparently this is what happens when you get old.
I am 50% older than you and I heart them as well.
Oh, that is cute.
I remembered when my little sister was on the biggest dinosaur kick ever.
There wasn't a dinosaur fact, time period, scientific name I didn't know!
That is such a beautiful picture of miss Lola! I don't know which one Nick is... and I think it's best if I keep it that way for now, haha. ;-)
I love that it's unauthorized! Hysterical!
beautiful post. I remember my first love...Taylor Hanson. lol
Oh, my. I fear I would fail the Jonas brother's quiz if there were such a thing.
haha...jonas brothers! well i knew more about the jonas brothers than i did before!
I am also fluent in Jonas Brother's
and know that they are nicknamed K2,Danger and Mr. President. Unfortunately daughters interests have changed but yet that information still remains in my brain. And I too prefer the smart-eyed Nick.
He seems like the poetic type of guy I was always drawn too..
Peace - Rene
Such a beautiful girl! I know more about dirt bikes, quads and snow mobiles than any 40something alive ;)
This kinda reminds me about me and my mother...she told me that when i was 4 years old i asked her to read me a story named Dyuimovochka[ i am originally from Ukraine] every night,over and over again.Mom said that i knew this story by heart and that she was almost falling asleep while reading and making mistakes and i was like "no,mommy,that's not right...it was a mole!"
Your life is obviously complete now!
Awe.. this is sweet :) I wonder what will be popular when my little girl is her age?
From The Beatles to New Kids on the Block to Jonas Bros - teen crushes carry on across the ages. It's all part of growing up.
LOL, for the longest time, I had no clue who the Jonas brothers were. My niece had to fill me in and even sang their songs just so that she can say, "You mean you never heard that one either?"
this is so sweet... and I want to cry just thinking about my daughters back before they hit the double digits. I want to squeeze your daughter, and make her tell me all about Jonas brothers. My teenagers can't stand them, but would have been right there with her back in the day :)
I look after a seven year old & a ten year old, and now know my fair share of Jonas Bros. trivia too!
What we do for the ones we love!
That is so sweet :-) I really enjoy reading your posts - the way you tell about your thoughts - your honesty... Wow. Thanks...
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