Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dakota Wolf and The Brief Season

" Teenage boys, goaded by their surging hormones run in packs like the primal horde. They have only a brief season of exhilarating liberty between control by their mothers and control by their wives " - Camille Pagila

Dakota Wolf, 2010
Still Life With Coffee said...

How cute is he? And the quote? I love it and I'm terrified by it.

Ms. Moon said...


Ms. Moon said...

Oh. And he's beautiful.

David Cranmer said...

I've always appreciated Camille Pagila's writing. More often then not, she is spot on.

Existential Waitress said...

Nice! I always love your pics. I love the quote too.

Rebecca said...

Love it! That's funny and oh so true!

aurbie said...

I LOVE that photo.

Annie said...

Swinging is good for all ages!

Beth said...

And during that time of "exhilarating liberty" their mothers go grey. ;)

Elizabeth said...

Dakota Wolf is adorable, and I have to admit that I believe Camille Paglia's views and writing are over-rated. Methinks she doth protest too much -- in general...

Anonymous said...

handsome boy!

Kay said...

haha...can a mother ever really stop???? :)

adrienne said...

so sweet...although that seems strange to say, because dakota is clearly a young man. he reminds me of that cute jasom mraz in these photos.

i pray he enjoys his breif season.


Phoenix said...

He looks like such a happy boy... freedom looks great on him :)

Jason, as himself said...

I love that quote.

Ellen said...

It's kind of cute to see gangly young men on a swing that not so long ago their short legs could not even touch the ground. My son at almost 14 is all arms and legs...how fast time went to see him becoming a man....

Glimmer said...

Look at him, so beautiful, poised between childhood's safety and a man's mysteries. I want to whisk him up and run away with him. And protect him.

I have one too. He is 16. I know.

Maggie May said...

Thank you for thinking my boy is beautiful :) I do too.

And Glimmer- yes, that's it.

And BEth= haha!

And Elizabeth- I'm not too familiar with her. Not enough to really have an opinion.

Angie Muresan said...

What a cutie!

krista said...

that first picture is stunning. it's like you captured the brief season. i see the man he's going to be in it.

Gberger said...

What an interesting viewpoint.
Dakota Wolf is a gorgeous young man. God bless his free spirit, and may it remain free for him, and for his Higher Power to guide him!

A.Smith said...

Here I am with Elizabeth about Camille Paglia's claims and writings, she is not someone I am inclined to read now, or for that matter who held my interest for long when I did. Too much stridency and too little melody to be effective for me. She is too thunderous to attract the flies that count, the ones that really could change the ointment.

"If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts." Excuse me Camille, speaking for yourself most certainly?

Dakota Wolf is gorgeous, and he has a smile that lights up a room!

Lady M said...

Great images and quote!

Zip n Tizzy said...

What a wonderful smile.

Fifi Colston said...

oh yeah- got one of them. I want him to run, he is ready- bristling.

Kass said...

The picture, the words, the boy, the mother - ALL WONDERFUL!

Sarcastic Bastard said...

What adorable photos, Maggie.

Juniper said...

Great pictures and accompanying quote!

Babe in Babeland said...

These are amazing photos! He's so handsome, and what great style...LOVE the hat!

Babe in Babeland said...

P.S. -- He should smile all the time. I bet he lights up a room with that smile.

jennifer said...

great quote!

Amy said...

You quoted Camille Paglia! You are awesome. Cool pics too.

justmakingourway said...

Such great pictures - what a cutie!

Also? I LOVE the picture of the building with the light on in the window that is on your sidebar. Doesn't that look like one of the best places on Earth?

* said...

This reminds me: I need to swing more. And breathe deeply, unclench my fists, sigh, as my boys grow into men.

Petit fleur said...

Great pix! He is so handsome!
... and the hat, too cool.

Vashti said...

Oh so scarey as a mum of 2 boys! LOVE the photos. Stuck between boy and man.
He is so cute. Hold onto him as long as you can!!!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Love that quote!

I miss you! Haven't been here in a long time, and have been thinking of you. I'm back!

Caroline said...


And, I must say--what an awesome hat to go along with that wonderful smile!

Lola Sharp said...

Oh Maggie, I love that he is smiling and wearing that hat while swinging and allowing you to take the photo...and post it.

Thanks for sharing.

Bethany said...

handsome and happy, swinging free.
Interesting quote.

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