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I've been reading a lot about David Foster Wallace lately. Have you read Infinite Jest? I haven't. I did read and still own A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments
and completely loved it, although reading non-fiction and fiction are two completely different experiences. This piece of writing on his life, in the New Yorker, engrossed me on Friday night.
The first biography has been written and published on DFW, and Bret Easton Ellis went on Twitter saying that DFW's reputation was ridiculously magnified, that his writing wasn't all that and a bag of chips. ( OK So that is NOT what he said, but it's super close!*) So then on Salon, I read this interesting piece with the totally overblown title by an editor on the history of BEE and DFW.
I LOVED this article on Frugal Momma, about her decision, as a fairly 'big' blogger, to give up the capital B side of business blogging. I love it because although I'm not a big ( or even fairly so ) blogger, I had hoped to make money off of my blog, and her journey highlights much of my own experience, on a smaller scale. I also found that the amount of time I put into working it was growing at an alarming rate, with little return. Also blogging for money is a job/career without a definitive endpoint, for many, you are simply reaching for an unnamed goal and hoping to make money, while unsure about exactly how this is going to happen. Also for me, I realized that my writing was really starting to suffer. I decided to let go of all the other networking aspects and just sell ads on my blog and take writing jobs- two specific, doable goals that don't time suck so much I can't write. ( and read!)
*no, it is not.
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