Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My MTV Video Debut: Me in NSync's ' Dirty Pop '

Here I am in my pre-Lola days, making $170 for almost 24 hours of work, dancing with the charming Mr. Justin Timberlake. Look around 1 minute 45 seconds and after, I'm the blink of an eye with a cowboy hat and platinum braids dancing to the right of Mr JT. You can see me dancing round here and there through the video.
This was such a fun experience! The set was awesome, really Hollywood, in Culver City, and seriously Justin Timberlake was really sweet to all the extras. He was very sweet to me ;) He was going out with Britney at the time but still had quite the roving eye.

Vashti said...

Very cool! did you used to dance for a living? Im very sad to say that I have 2 left feet :-(

zipbagofbones said...

You're frickin' famous. I wish I could say I had met JT, he's one of the top ten people I want to lick.

Maggie May said...

no i didn't dance for a living, i was just auditioning for acting/modeling at the time, which i gave up immediately because i got preggo with Lola :)

he was very lickable:) don't tell my husband i said that.

Jennifer Sullivan said...

Super cool.

I once got a phone call from JT's bodyguard. It's a long & boring story. It was 2001 and I was trying to help a friend out.

PalagiGirl said...

Just when I think you can't get any cooler, you top yourself. I have to agree, JT is totally lickable.

Collin Kelley said...

I would have jumped Mr. JT for sure. Well, I might have had a better chance with Lance.

Hila said...

ha, that's one to show the kids! He sounds like a bit of a cad - but a friendly one :)

Anonymous said...

YOU GO GIRL! Shake your bootie hot stuff! Whoose yo' daddy, lil mamma gonna make you sweat!

Oh, but you must have bumped your head... JT Lickable? EWWWWW! LMAO Mr. Curry is way better looking...

Never did like my boys pretty... autta save that for the girls.

Maggie May said...

i know! i'm not one for pretty boys at all usually, but JT was hot. he was the one with all the ideas for the video, working with the producer, making it happen- that creative intelligence gleaming when he talked to me. that is hot :)

Chopstick said...


P.S: If I think JT is very lickable on tv now, he must've been 10 times as lickable in real life ;)

Annie said...

What a great memory, and it's documented!

Simplicity said...

Well, aren't you just a cutie patutie!? I think JT's super lickable too!!! :)

Montgomery Maxton said...

i saw you!

Girl Next Blog said...

You're so lucky! I'd love doing something like this. It has to be so funny!


jen said...

You're famous! How cool!

Anonymous said...

I remember when you did this. What a booty shaker you are!
A most interesting life you are leading Ms. Maggie.

Lola said...

I'd rather lick you than him any day!

Liz said...

Ultra Cool! Maggie, and I saw a flicker of you : )

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