(A very sleep deprived) Mr. Curry
P.S. I really hate Hello Kitty. This blog does not endorse or appreciate Hello Kitty on their birth card.
P.S.S. She's so beautiful and perfect I can't stand it.
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Congratulations to the whole beautiful bunch of you and extra hugs and kisses for Maggie, Mr. Curry and the darling Ever!!!
Fantastic!!!! Welcome to the world baby Ever!
And to Mr. Curry, Congratulations to all of you, thank you so much for updating all of us, there are a lot more people out here waiting to hear the news than you could ever imagine. Please give Maggie our best.
Tickled pink!
Ever has no idea how many hearts have been beating in unison waiting for news of her arrival. This is such wonderful news! Thank you, Mr. Curry, for letting us know. Love to you all.
Yay! Congrats to all. Can't wait to see the pics.
Oh, joy! Welcome Ever and warmest congratulations to you all - thank you for letting us know Mr Curry. Sleep now, sleep!
Awww, congrats! Can't wait to see pictures!
Yayyayayaay!! So excited to see her finally. Congrats all around and much love from someone in Tucson.
I' m a puddle. A puddle.
Welcome Ever!!!!
Hurrah! Can't wait!
Oh that is so wonderful. Thanks Mr Curry.So much. and I am so happy for you and your family!
Congrats a million times, Curry family! I'm so thrilled for you guys!! Happy babymooning...don't let the world in until you're ready. :)
SO happy for you all!! :)
Oh, I'm smiling so big for you guys. Congratulations!
Welcome to the world, Ever! ♡
Maggie, I told you way back when that she'd make it to term and be healthy. BIG *hugs*. I'm so happy for you.
Yay! The universe is abundant! Thank you so much for telling us -- I was getting a little crazy not knowing.
happy day!!! congratulations to the family
Wow, congrats!
I loved your HK comment.
Rest up y'all!!!
Congratulations! Ever is the same height and weight as my little guy Simon, who was born on November 16. :)
All day we have been waiting. All day we have been hoping for just this sort of good news.
All love. To all of you.
Cradling you in my heart...Mary
Congratulations!!! Welcome Ever!
Welcome to the world, Ever.
And she totally just made me cry. Love ya Ever!
Yessssssssssss!!! So happy for all of you. I can't wait to see that little nugget.
How wonderful!!!! (You suck. ;))
Yes, please! Congratulations to you and Maggie...wow, this is just, wow...good to hear, made my day :)
I've been checking all day and when I pulled this up, Jonah said "Mom, that lady is pretty." (Of course, then we had a continuation of our conversation of a few days ago about how babies get in a mama's tummy that involved a discussion of his grandmother's 'pachina'...)
Hooray! Congratulations and I can't wait to virtually meet Ever. Maggie, you've been, and continue to be, such a blessing in my reading life. Speedy recovery to you and what a helluva Christmas present for your family.
So awesome! Congrats!
thanks for taking the time to give us the heads up, much appreciated :)
love to the whole clan and the warmest of welcomes to little Miss Ever, can't wait for pics!!!
Hooray, hooray! She's here and she's more marvelous than you could've imagined!
Congrats to you both.
Meanwhile, we're all just hanging out here for our first glimpse! xo
Congratulations! I'm happy and smiling for both of you, and I love your photographs!
YAY! I'm so happy for you all...
Oh, she's a big girl! I love it! Welcome, beautiful Ever!!!
Fantastic! Thanks for letting us know, can't wait to see her. Welcome to the world Ever adn congratulations to you all.
Congratulations, and welcome beautiful baby Ever.
yay!!! Such good news!
It's so good to hear this news. Folks have been wondering. Congratulations to you both.
congrats to the whole family. welcome to the world Ever!
I can't wait! I am so excited!! Congrats to the entire family!
congratulations!! so excited to see her pretty little picture. hugs and kisses to maggie. xoxo
She's here!
My husband and I want to say we are so happy for your family. Welcome Baby Ever. You are loved.
hi, happy parents!!
ever is here ever is here!!! YAY!!!!!
PLease hug Maggie from me and tell her well done. Can not wait to see your beautiful baby.
Thank you for the update, Mr. Curry! Sorry Hello Kitty was unwelcomed on the birth card; just know that she means well. ^_^
Many Congratulations to the family!!
Huzzah! Welcome, Evercakes!
PS: Thank you, Mr. Curry, for clarifying your stance on Hello Kitty. I was a tad worried. LOL
Oh, Mr. Curry, you know Ever will probably LOVE Hello Kitty! LOL! I'm so happy she & Maggie made the journey okay. Congratulations to all of you.
Love & Blessings,
Fantastic! Can't wait to see her!
Now, let's explore this animosity you have toward Hello Kitty...
CONGRATULATIONS! heyhey! Whoohoo! Very happy.
Thanks so much for giving us an update...I tried hard to not be selfish about having to wait. It was difficult. Glad she's healthy, knew she'd be perfect, and give maggie our best. hope she heals quickly and you both get as much rest as you can! YAY!! EVER IS HERE!!
WHEWWWW! Glad to have news :) So happy for you all!!!!
Mr. Curry, you are a tease!
I'm so glad everything has gone well. Huge congratulations to you and your beautiful family.
HOORAY!!! Warmest wishes to the whole PACK!!! Glad all went well.
We'll try to be patient and wait to meet Ever....
Ever is here!!! I heard a bell chime for your beautiful girl. Can not WAIT for pictures. Much love and rest to you all.
Congratulations and Thank you for posting Mr. Curry!!! Great job all three of you! Cheers from Florida!
xo pf
Congratulations...Welcome Ever Elizabeth Ethridge Curry!
PS...I totally agree about Hello Kitty...
Oh! I'm happy clapping over here! YAY MAGGIE! Yay, Mr. Curry! Huzzah, Ever!
Congratulations. And Ever is the cutest name...er, ever.
Oh, my stars! I can't wait to see her. Rest well, mommy and daddy. Dream sweet dreams.
Happy congratulations!
Congratulations to you all!
Haha I understand the Hello Kitty dislike Mr. Curry. My younger sister put me through many years of HK hell!!!
Yay! YOur a new dad! Enjoy your baby moon!
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