Last night we started building a fort in Lola's play area. So far it's looking good! I found a wonderful set of instructions here on Apartment Therapy, and am trying to figure out how to hang lights inside. Once we get finished I'll take a picture and report back. If you build one in your house, take a picture and do a post and let me know!
Lola inspired this on Friday nite. She had been pretty sick with the stomach flu, and was recovering. Laying on the floor, surrounded with blankets and art supplies, she began drawing beautiful images, and said to me I'm going to cheer myself up by making beautiful things. I perked up. Damn skippy. If my 9 year old can do it, so can I!
Magical. Just magical.
Love the fort and love your daughter's words! Delicious Wisdom
GREAT idea. Some of my fondest childhood memories were from building "forts" in the living room with blankets. :)
Your Lola is a very smart girl! I love your tent city idea. Sheets and blankets and cushions make wonderful indoor structures.
Your Lola is a smart girl! I love your tent city idea. Sheets and blankets and cushions make wonderful indoor structures.
With my children down like dominoes during the last two weeks with the flu, I think I know what I'm going to do with them. That is, if I make it.
Blanket forts are magical :). Inventing beautiful little spaces to play in--we still do it as adults.
Like a gypsy caravan inside....and it is simply wonderful to lie inside a "house tent" listen to what is going on outside the tent....hope Miss Lola is feeling better real soon and that no one else gets the flu.
I might just come squat in that fort for a while.
i adore that! We did that when the girls were young! Dammit. I'm doing that tomorrow.
This is awesome, Maggie. Seriously, making pretty things always cheers me up. Maybe that's why I liked having children so much--I was "making pretty things!" ;)
Lola is on my super cool list.
I was born in 1954 - so must seem very old to some - but my mum used to get down on the floor with us and build tent cities in out kitchen using the table and chairs as props - most mums in those days did not "play" we were so lucky. When my husband broke his neck in 1982 I had to send our eldest aged 7 to live with mum for a few months till I got us sorted as the hospital was hundreds of miles from home and she needed to go to school - her fondest memories were of her Nannie getting down on the floor with her and playing - mum had end stage cardiomyopathy by then but she still had a child's heart - thanks for reminding me
must be something in the air!
couch cushion tunnels here...
great picture, looks sheek and comfy.
Looks just like the illustration!
Lovely post! That illustration of the fort really speaks to me, but the link to Orange Marmalade didn't help me find the source! Bummed.
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