Everiscongested again. The wait begins, again, to see if her breathing will become worryingly compromised- and all that comes with that- or if she just has a stuffy nose that will go away. I do the nose sucker in the middle of the night, prop her up on a firm pillow next to me, give her these Albuterol/nebulizer treatments, vacuum daily to rid the house of dander, open windows to air out the rooms, keep her warm and out of cold air as much as I can, and we all wash our hands and resist kissing her mouth. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO RESIST KISSING THIS MOUTH?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Baby Nebulizer
Posted by
Maggie May
Babies To Teenagers
Everiscongested again. The wait begins, again, to see if her breathing will become worryingly compromised- and all that comes with that- or if she just has a stuffy nose that will go away. I do the nose sucker in the middle of the night, prop her up on a firm pillow next to me, give her these Albuterol/nebulizer treatments, vacuum daily to rid the house of dander, open windows to air out the rooms, keep her warm and out of cold air as much as I can, and we all wash our hands and resist kissing her mouth. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO RESIST KISSING THIS MOUTH?
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Very precious leggings. Prayers she is better soon.
Well shoot, I'm sad she's sick again. She'll be in our prayers, and for heaven's sake, where did you get those cute cute baby legs??? I need a rainbow pair for my Lola!
Awww, poor baby! In spite of being sick, she still has her little rock star grin. I hope she's feeling better soon!
Baby legs here:
Thanks for the comment in my blog! do u even remember it? lol
its been a while since i've check it, so i just saw ur comment... cuttest baby, hope she's feeling better
Impossible to resist kissing that baby on the mouth. You are made of stronger stuff than I. :) Hope she feels better soon.
Oh God, she's breaking my heart with her ecstatic cute face right next to that awful nebulizer. (Well, the nebulizer is a God-send, but the reason for it is awful).
What a tightrope walk of anxiety and exhaustion this must be. I'm sending you strength- I hope it hits home.
She is sooo cute! Even when stuffy! I used to use the car seat to have Kayli sleep in when she was stuffy- kept her comfortably raised and on her back - kids with Down syndrome have notoriously teeny eustachian tubes/sinus'. I've spent many hours listening to breathing.... Hugs.
sending prayers and good healing thoughts!
Sending prayers for Ever. Resist kissing such a cutie pie? Impossible. She has a great smile!
Hi Maggie,
I love the photographs, and I'm sorry Ever is congested again. You are doing everything right, so hopefully it's just a little cold.
I'm sorry to hear that you've been going through this. It must be stressful. I still wish that you could take her to Dr. Frymann in San Diego -- I just KNOW it would be beneficial.
And those leggings are to die for.
Oh my! She is so adorable! Sending prayers that she gets to feeling better.
Ever is truly adorable. I will keep a good thought for her.
Love you, Maggie.
I hope she feels better soon, hon. She's in my thoughts and prayers.
And in the meantime - those Rainbow Brite leggings are the cutest things I've seen in a long time.
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