And although Ian's Mom and Dad
didn't stay married, they raised him together, and married again, to two other people who loved Ian very much. I'm one of them. I'm Ian's 'step-mom'. But I never feel step. I'm Ian's family. And we all are raising him, with the help of some other people. And those other people have children. And those children are Ian's family.
Now your Dad, Mr. Curry, married his best friend, Maggie May, and her children, who you knew since birth and loved, were your brother and your sister. So of course, at your birthday,
all these people showed up.
' Well? ' They said. ' Isn't there cake?'
'Of course there is cake!
It's Ian's 12th Birthday!'And everyone was happy.
And everyone loves you, Ian!!
Nice post, Maggie!
That cakes looks gooood.
Happy Birthday little man!
This is definitely the type of fairy tale I love to read. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to Ian!
(say, those are great plates! With the trees on em? Where you git em?)
button i inherited them. i know, i looove them. i'm mildly obsessed with cool prints on plates and bowls lately. anthropologie holds a wish list a mile long for me :) thrift stores are awesome for this. i just bought a collection of small and large stonewear Italian plates for FIFTEEN DOLLARS from a local thrift. they have a gorgeous blue and white print.
What a lovely blended family.
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