Sunday, February 21, 2010

Watched: French movie, Ricky

I have a love of French movies and spend money every month on a few. This is what Lola, Mr. Curry and I watched last night... hard to say if I recommend. I am glad I watched it, I can say that.

Katy said...

Oh I love French films....that looks quite cute x

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Just tell me it ends well? My attention has been captivated now...

Maggie May said...


The Baby has wings!

David Cranmer said...

The trailer did a good job of grabbing my attention.

Elizabeth said...

It looks good! Thanks for posting -- I had never heard of it. Did you see A Christmas Tale (not appropriate for young children, though)?

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I like French movies, too, Maggie. Very much.

Love you girl.


Chelsea said...

I really dont know what to think.

I half way kind of want to see it....

Unknown said...

I am so excited to rent it!! I must see it soon. Thanks for the sharing.

Maggie May said...

Elizabeth it doesn't ring a bell. It's French?

Ellen said...

Wow! That looks like an interesting film! Shall look for that on Netflix...

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