In third grade, I stood on the hot San Diego playground of my elementary school, feet planted on the blacktop, suddenly acutely and astonishingly aware of the hundreds of small bodies that teemed around me; aware of their lives, their fragility, and two things occured to me at once: all of these children will one day be dead- and- no one can prove to me that this is real. Inception is a movie hand crafted for the neurotic and expansive inner life of people like me, who never stop wondering at the strangeness of life and reality itself.
As the now famous David asked in his video: Is this real life? ...and Queen continued: Or is this fantasy?
This movie tells the story of Leo Decaprio's character Dom Cobb, a man seemingly without any roots but his children that have been somehow- we aren't told at first- kept from him in the US while he floats in expat hell working his magicks around the globe. Those magicks, we learn after an intense and what feels immediately dreamlike opening sequence, are the science of invading and controlling a person's dreams. Dreamlike? No, we realize, this is the stuff of dreams. The opening scene is taking place in what is in fact a dream, complex and bizarre as dreams are, with layers of memory and the actual bodies of the dreamer and dream-invaders all layered in the scene, coming forth one from the other in a perfect bloom and retract dance that engages the audience completely.
Cobb is the action character, we assume, the ringmaster and dynamic. Other minor characters help Cobb invade the dreams of a person by simultaneously all being hooked up to the same drug cocktail while someone in real life watches all their sleeping bodies. The mission is to find out an innermost secret that they have been hired to obtain, which in dreamland is locked in a vault or prison, representing of course the subconscious and it's desire to protect itself. In Inception, the subconscious is a leading character; a man or woman of a thousand faces showing up in dreams as hundreds of 'extras' that roam around the cities and villages of dreams. As the dream continues, the subconscious of the person dreaming slowly realizes that an invader is present, and the 'extras' begin staring at the invaders as they walk by, banging into them with a shoulder or bag, eventually attacking with the intent to kill.
Only it is not as it seems: ( making this move from a good movie to a great movie ) Cobb is the dynamic leader, but he is also in the midst of a great and terrible dream himself- an internal struggle involving his dead wife that is so painful and entrenched in his psyche that his wife begins invading the dreams that Cobb is invading, ruining his plans and his job. Cobb works with an Architect, who builds the dreams ( Ellen Page ) and Eames, a.k.a. “The Forger” (Tom Hardy) who impersonates people within the dream- an idea which resonates clearly for anyone who has had a dream and woken to realize a person in your dream was also NOT the person in your dream, at the same time. The dual nature of all representation of people in your dreams- they are themselves, filled with your projections- is a fascinating idea. There is also Arthur ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) who is Cobb's right hand man and who is primarily concerned with organizing the timing of dropping into and out of a person's dreams, and controlling the increasingly volatile subconscious of the person being invaded.
As the movie moves forward, with it's thrilling cinematography and explanations of how to make and map dreams, the emotional life of Cobb moves forward center, and the love story between Cobb and his dead wife Mal becomes intertwined inexorably with the big dream invasion they plan: hired by a mega millionaire to invade his rival's dream and do what is thought impossible, to not only invade a person's dream, but to plant an idea in the deepest recesses of the mind. In exchange, the CEO promises Cobb a safe return back to the U.S. and his children.
In an quote from a premiere Leo Decaprio said of this film, This is an interesting movie, because I really believe people can extract what they want from this film and interpret that in a lot of different ways. I interpreted the movie very personally as it continued; his dead wife's pleas for him to join her ( in his dream ) and his eventual revelation of what happened to his wife moved me to the point of tears based on that interpretation. The meaning of a life lived on different planes of reality, when one does not or cannot differentiate between reality and fantasy spoke loudly to me as a metaphor for mental illness or damage and death- the great losses that can occur when those we love slide away from us, no matter the greatness or depth of love- into a world of their own making or simply a world we are unsure exists: after death. The excruciating pain of such losses, our inability to let go, to accept the loss in our day to day life and the consequences of that inability, is reflected in this movie beautifully between Cobb and Mal, and gives the movie it's emotional backbone and resonance. The movie beautifully utilizes repetition, shorthand and phrasing to build emotional intensity and meaning.
As Mal repeats throughout the movie in a haunting foreshadow: You're waiting for a train. A train that will take you far away. You know where you hope the train will take you, But you cannot be sure. But it doesn't matter, because we'll be together. What this means when you go together to somewhere outside of reality, a place that could be drug addiction, mental illness or death -but in this movie is dreamland- is a question that weighed heavily on my mind at the end of the movie.
Ellen Page's character, Ariadne, was the only weak link in the film and not the fault of bad acting but instead because her character was created to explain the movie to the audience as it continues and becomes more complex. Because she was created to ask questions of the main character, some kind of bond was attempted to be forced between her and Cobb that never comes through as believable. She spends the movie following him saying things like Now whose subconscious are we going into? while I would have rather been confused and had questions answered in repeat viewings. The chemistry between Marilyn Cotillard and Leo Decaprio is marvelous, adult intensity, heart and mind meeting an equal- both wonderful actors.
Not only is this film visually thrilling and intellectually stimulating, it asks without answer questions rarely touched on in mainstream art: What is reality, and after we think we have an answer makes us ask again... Are you sure?
A brilliant movie review, Maggie.
I saw Inception earlier this week, thinking it would be like the Matrix. No, it was much better.
I enjoyed the dream vs reality concepts, Leonardo's depth of character, and his relationship with his wife. So much in it, so much.
I rarely see movies twice, but this one? Most definitely.
I think you should be writing movie reviews! This sounds like a must-see!
I saw it on Wednesday. Loved it, though I almost ruined it for myself because I was looking too hard for the Christopher Nolan "trick". As such, I had myself convinced at one point that Ariadne was actually an enemy extractor and Cobb was her target. I do so love a movie with great effects that doesn't pander to the madding crowd by surrendering intelligence.
Plus, I need to order a Tom Hardy. Heard there's one left in my size... :-)
What a gret review! I'm going see the movie next week, but I like to know things beforehand.
I thought of Poe's poem, "A Dream Within a Dream" when I first saw the trailer for this movie. Check it out:
A Dream Within a Dream
By Edgar Allen Poe
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
I really really want to see this movie. I skipped most of your review and just went straight to the last paragraph to see if you liked it or not. I didn't want to spoil by reading too much. Now you have me even more excited about it! I will have to come back and read the rest of your review after the movie...
I wasn't sure if I wanted to see this film. Now I know I have to! Thank you.
Great review - I've been looking forward to seeing this film.
I loved the movie, too. Very immersive.
Interesting review. For me, the film is not very great. I mean, it's fine. I enjoyed myself, but I think it's strange that people read into it so deeply. For me, it was a film that wanted to be read into deeply, y'know, and it's just weird to me that people are taking so much from it - when it's just a flick, just a movie, about a bunch of people running around on different levels of dreaming.
But then again, as you mentioned and quoted, we can all read into it in our own ways!
I do agree though re: Ellen Page's character being an awkward fit, and was basically there to be like "oh wait, hold on, so what level are we in now? what's going on?"
Hi Maggie,
I enjoyed reading your review, and your insight into the possible meanings of the movie. I didn't know too much about it, so I don't feel like you've spoiled it at all (but thanks for the warning!). You've made me want to see it for sure, for the complexities, and for the quality of the acting.
I saw this yesterday with three friends - one from Scotland, one from Germany and one is English - The english and German ladies thought the last scene was real - but the Scot and myself (Irish Australian) agreed the last scene was also a dream...
it was mindbending stuff
after my husband was killed - about a year after I suffered and mean suffered - from a series of dreams within a dream within a dream ...where I would wake up three or four times in the smae place i went to sleep in reality - but I would actually be dreaming - it started to frighten me - and finally luckily it stopped -
I think delving too deep could drive some people depends on how deep you are in the dreams
I am struggling this morning with the blur between dream and reality and it's not going so well.
There is too much bleeding back and forth for my comfort.
oh maggie may, I hated this movie with passion! We saw it last night and I was utterly pissed off at the end of it. I wasted almost three f**king hours of my life.
I am shocked this movie is getting so much attention.
some love it some hate it, it's making it's mark i guess!
Thanks, Maggie. I think we are going to see this film on the coming weekend.
If you like it, I probably will too.
Great review, Maggie -- I saw this movie last night and admit to feeling a bit confused here and there (although I also felt like it was a movie that shouldn't be THOUGHT about during it but, rather, just experienced?) -- anyway, your review clarified some things for me, so I thank you. I remember as a child both tormenting and thrilling myself with the thought that I was actually only someone's dream -- I'd think about this endlessly, as small children can and do --
I LOVED this movie. I waited to read your review until after I saw it, but now that I have, your interpretation and review is spot on!
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