Sunday, April 17, 2011

Meet Mary Potts

I'd like to introduce you to Mary Potts. She is a fellow blogger and mother of four who lost her beautiful daughter, Erin Elizabeth, at age 18 to cancer. And now Mary is doing something so awesomely brave and loving that it makes my heart speed up. She is preparing to donate her 'gently used' (as she put it) left kidney to her older brother. It's hard to imagine something more tangible as an expression of love than literally cutting out part of your body to place it in the body of the person you love. Mary, my hat is off to you, and my heart and prayers with you. I hope some of you will take time to visit Mary and give her a 'bloggers hurrah'.
Alli Easley said...

People like Mary are proof that there are angels here on earth. Thanks for introducing us. ♥

Mary Potts said...

I hope you can feel this big giant wrap-around hug I'm sending to you!

Unknown said...

Wow. what an amazing lady!

Middle Child said...

Of course there are angels on earth - and you know often it is those who have lost, or suffered who give more, feel more and are happy to just be alive

Caroline said...

I will stop by for sure. What an amazing person, indeed.

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