Friday, March 7, 2014

People In Your Neighborhood

take a seat and read!

A few weeks ago, I watched the documentary Ram Dass: Fierce Grace on Netflix. I am a huge documentary fan, and this in particular was a favorite, because I am really seeking spiritually right now. This YouTube I'm linking you to is parents reading a letter out loud, written by Ram Dass, to them after the horrific murder of their 11 year old daughter, Rachel. Warning, this will make you cry. But it might also change your life. The Letter To Rachel's Parents " Your rational mind can never understand what has happened. But your hearts, if you can keep them open to God, will find their own intuitive way. " That there is, to me, one of the greatest truths of human life, relating to suffering.

In Elle, an essay by Lisa Chase on living with a bipolar father.

Wayne Gladstone writes in McSweeneys: Confessions of an Upworthy Editor -hahha!!

I just loved reading Claire McCarthy's article, My House Is Messy And I Don't Care  I go through times where our house seems to get away from me- I can't keep up. And this attitude- experiences and family before order- always makes me happiest in the long run.

I really can't get enough of this: writer's rooms.

My essay Setting Free The Bears on Manifest-Station

This information on K-Cups is important if you use them, but also important to keep in mind when you use plastic of any kind.

This older article in Esquire broke my heart a little. After I read his book standing in Target while Ever played, I really wanted to believe this gentleman's story: Dr Eben Alexander Proof Of Heaven Investigation

Allison Carmen is an exceptionally beautiful soul who has a way of transmitting simple truths that are really, really missing from many of our lives. Letting Go of The Thoughts That Make Us Worry

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