Friday, December 24, 2010

Baby Sick

Ever Elizabeth 3 weeks old, Lola Moon 8 years

Ever has a cold, congested. We are using the bulb sucker and she is snuffling and snorting breathing through her tiny baby nostrils. Her temperature is normal. I'm worried because at her last baby checkup, the doctor scared me silly about pertussis, to the point where I received the vaccine right there and then, in hopes of protecting Ever from getting it. Apparently there is a huge outbreak in San Diego and it's been very bad for infants. It starts out, the papers in the doctor's office said, with a runny nose and cough. Exactly like the common cold. And then apparently progresses rapidly to 'serious'. Any advice? Comments? Information?

thank goodness we got our tree up before Ever was's been a total joy to have it all this time home
Ms. Moon said...

My advice is to try and not worry. My God, your daughters are gorgeous.
Peace, baby. And love.

37paddington said...

Ever is going to have great immunity being the youngest of 4. She's just building her antibody store, that's all. Hope she feels better soon.

Maggie May said...

I am trying not to worry, I am. I'm doing OK with it.

she is going to have great immunity, and breastfeeding is wonderful for that too.

Julia said...

You already know what to watch for, so on the off-chance that it arrives, you'll be getting good care as soon as you can. That's the best you can do.

Baby colds are hardest on the parents. Hope she's feeling better soon!

Rebecca said...

Your girls are beautiful and with any luck everyone will be healthy by this evening!

Marion said...

I'm so sorry Ever is feeling bad. My kids used to get sickly every time they got their shots. As long as she's not running a fever, I wouldn't worry. The nurses always insisted it wasn't the cause, but still. (Lola is so gorgeous!) I'm sure she'll be all better in a week or so. Have a Merry Christmas, Maggie May! Love & Blessings!!

Shaista said...

I cannot give advice, only send my love and wishes for you to sleep peacefully (yay zoloft!) and wake to your light filled life and the sound of Ever gurgling and chirping with happiness.

Corinne Cunningham said...

Infant colds are the worst! They're just so helpless... hope it passes quickly and it's harmless.
Merry Christmas :)

Petit fleur said...

Doctors will scare the shit out of you. No doubt.

She sleeps near or with you, no? Personally I think this is important. Harley always breathed funny when he was an infant and I felt like if he could feel me breathing then he would breath more normally. That to me is the scariest time, night.

She'll be fine, you're all over it. What the docs don't tell you is that the babies that get really sick are the ones whose parents are caught off guard. You are armed with the information of the recent outbreak, so you are prepared to have her seen if her condition changes.

My GOD Ever and Lola are just beautiful! Merry Christmas.

michelle said...

DO NOT WORRY. If Lola and the boys got their Tdap boosters Ever will be protected.

She's beautiful. That shot of her sucking face with her big sister is priceless.


Bethany said...

the tree is beautiful and your girls.
you can only do what you're doing, watch her, take good care like you are, try not to fret.
Merry Christmas mama!

* said...

Beautiful tree, hoping Ever gets well soon. My niece barfed all over the kitchen floor tonight, of all nights (Christmas Eve!), we were equally shocked and saddened, she is 1 yrs old and didn't understand what was going on, the poor thing...

Wishing you a holiday full of joy and plenty of chocolate (that is, unless Ever is allergic via breast milk? My kids never were, thank goodness!).

Vodka Mom said...

she will be fine. Each cough, runny nose, fever and cry will alarm. However, with each passing day you will be stronger and feel better. REMEMBER? Yes, you do.

happy, happy day my friend.

Brooke T said...

aw, I hope she feels better soon!!

danielle @ take heart said...

your girls are beautiful!

Caroline said...

Thinking of little Miss Ever. I think the youngest have the strongest immune systems because they are exposed to the all the family germs, which are good for them in the long run.
p.s again: Oliver has the same onesie (longjohns w/ guitars)that ever is wearing. My gosh your girls are gorgeous. They will be heart-breakers for the guys!!

Middle Child said...

I hope she is okay - I was lucky till mine were older...scary when they are so young - but she looks strong...

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