The new edition of Magma Poetry is out, with 3 of my poems included:
* 3AM
* housewife
* payback is a bitch
I love the layout of the magazine; it's very pleasing to the eye and easy to read through, and the other poets are wonderful as well.
I was surprised they changed my bio without mentioning it to me.
Liz has 3 poems in this edition as well which I look forward to reading.
I'm very happy to be in Magma! My copy arrived on my birthday too :) which was veray cool.
What's the new bio say? I mean who wrote it?
i don't know who wrote it? i'm assuming the editors. it says something like 'Maggie Ethridge is a poet in Poway California. She has been published in many US magazines.'
My original bio had the mag. names and I'm pretty sure my blog address.
Hey, congrats on the poems, and Happy Birthday, fellow Scorpio!
congratulations! that's fabulous. i am still sending things out and collecting rejections, but I have hope.
and thanks for visiting my blog. to answer your question, i write short stories and short shorts. someday, hopefully, i will write a novel...
Awesome! Is that the cover illustration? It's so pretty. When was your birthday? TODAY???
Hey Maggie, big congrats on Magma...I haven't received mine yet...did you check the contributors notes online?
Love the family day-trip photos...did I tell you that my brother and family live in San Diego : ) I haven't been there yet though! ; )
that's great, Maggie May! congratulations. may Britain be smitten with you and find your blog out of curiousity anyway.
thank you everyone!
michelle no that's not the cover, i failed at copying it for my page so snatched up this image instead.
my birthday was the tenth:)
Congrats, and belated birthday greeting!!
Happy Belated Birthday! And congratulations on the publication of your poems!
Glad you had an unexpected birthday present. We loved your poems, which is why we chose three! The reason for the biog being cut is that it appears on the same page as the poem and it needs to be very short. Because of the limited time during production, we just don't have the time to get back to contributors and check the cuts with them. If there are previous publications, we try to make sure those are mentioned.
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the issue. We certainly enjoyed editing it.
hey maggie, very cool about the poems! I'll see if I can find a copy.
that's kinda freaky about the bio, though -- usually rags will at least check in to alert you to changes!
thank you for explaining that Jacqueline. i keep picking up the magazine and looking at my poems again, so thrilled that they are there, in physical reality !
Happy belated birthday Maggie!
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