Thursday, December 18, 2008

Health: Vitamin D

from Life Extension website

Vitamin D essential for whole body health

The August, 2008 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published an update by international vitamin D expert Anthony Norman of the University of California, Riverside, which concluded that the vitamin is necessary for the health of 36 of the body's organs.

Dr Norman includes bone marrow, breast, colon, intestine, kidney, lung, prostate, retina, skin, stomach and the uterus as organs for which vitamin D has been found to be essential. He notes that vitamin D, while well recognized as playing a role in bone health, has the potential to contribute in five areas in which researchers have documented new actions for the vitamin through its receptor: the adaptive and innate immune systems, the secretion and regulation of insulin by the pancreas, heart and blood pressure regulation, muscle strength, and brain activity. Additionally, having adequate vitamin D levels appears to reduce the risk of some cancers. "It is becoming increasingly clear to researchers in the field that vitamin D is strongly linked to several diseases," stated Dr Norman. "Its biological sphere of influence is much broader than we originally thought. The nutritional guidelines for vitamin D intake must be carefully reevaluated to determine the adequate intake, balancing sunlight exposure with dietary intake, to achieve good health by involving all 36 target organs."

Dr Norman recommends that all adults acquire 2000 international units (IU) per day: an amount that is higher than the recommended daily intake. "Ideally, to achieve the widest frequency of good health by population, we need to have 90 percent of the people with adequate amounts of vitamin D,” he stated. "There needs to be a sea change by various governmental agencies in terms of the advice they present to citizens about how much vitamin D should be taken.."

—D Dye
The Panic Room said...

They seriously just need to get it all into one pill already and it better taste like Bar BQ Ribs while they're at it.

Maggie May said...

i would rather take the pills i do than eat bbq ribs every day! yerch. but i'm sure my son Dakota would agree with you.:)

Maggie May said...

vit d is really important for people like me with autoimmune disease- it helps prevent further disease. it is one of THE most powerful weapons against prevention of MS.

ButtonHole said...

I'm with you on the ribs, Mags! What on earth is the draw??

Thanks for posting this info!

Anonymous said...

You are just such a world of information... Now I have to go and read the label to find out how much I am taking! Much Love.

Valerie Loveland said...

I have to wear sunscreen everyday (melanoma in my family), so I have to make an effort to take vitamin D.

Hila said...

This is what my mother's been telling me all these years ...
Happy holidays to you :)

Anonymous said...

That's it I am going out and buying supplements tomorrow. I NEED vitamin D. Thanks Maggie. I love all of your fascinating articles on health.
New Year's Resolution take Vitamins and eat more veggies.

Patois42 said...

I've got to go get me some V-D. (That doesn't sound right shortened. Sorry.)

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