Dakota is on the right track. He's smiling more. My boy. Every Monday night I take him to Family Night at a program he is doing and we sit for two hours with two other teen boys and their families and learn and talk. It's hard but really good, in the way that hard, necessary things are in life that move toward positive change.
Lola is all good things. She's so tender hearted and sweet natured and damn good that sometimes I tremble inside ( OK, often ) knowing that I am responsible for this wonderful creature, to keep her feeling safe and loved and whole. She asks about Ever every day when I see her, very adult like and sweet, So Mom how is Ever today? Has she moved much? You aren't eating too much bread are you? She talks often and excitedly about the details of Ever's birth and homecoming, and it makes me feel excited too!
One of the moms at my work dropped off the cutest gift for Ever today, an organic onsie (from Etsy!) with an adorable elephant on the front, just my style.
Tuesday Nov. 2cd is my last day of work. ( this is both good -sweet relief for my body- and bad -hadn't financially planned to leave work so soon- will be 36 weeks- but I'm including it anyway )
The broken window in Lola's room was fixed. This means more security and tighter temperature control, besides just the fact that it looks nice again.
Our backyard is growing beautiful baby shoots of grass everywhere, that tender, bright green color that new grass holds.
Ever is moving as reliably as always. Sometimes I can see her whole foot outlined against my stomach.
Two girlfriends have offered to come by after Ever is born and help clean and hang out. My cousin offered to come for a whole weekend, which means I will get to also see her beautiful boy Elton! Lola will be thrilled to have Elton visit. He's two and quite charming.
My coworker gave me her beautiful white dresser/changing table.
My mom came by tonight and checked in on Ever. She rubbed my stomach and told me to keep my stomach warm, asked a few questions about the baby, and left. She also mentioned that I am huge. I know!!
Ian is on the football team after a bout of uncertainty if he'd stay on, and he's kicking ass while keeping straight A's on a full class load of Honors classes. He's a marvel, a mystery to me, so self motivated and disciplined, so determined to set and reach goals. I love the little boy in him and respect the man I can see he will be.
I went to the IEP meeting on Tuesday....and it was awesome! They were totally and completely supportive, shocked that I had not been able to get help before this, and even mentioned financial compensation when they saw how much the neuropsych. testing had cost us!!!! Most importantly above all: They are going to provide supports for my boy!!!! I am still smiling when I think of it. They were all very sweet and asked a lot of questions about the baby, Dakota, and in general tried to make me feel welcomed and heard.
I got to hang out with a friend who moved out of town, and another friend I don't see as much as I used to since she changed jobs. It was only an hour and half at a local Starbucks, but it was awesome. We talked so much that we blinked and had to hug and say goodbye, like it is with girlfriends. Plus...more gifts for Ever! :)
Harry Potter....need I say more :))))
All good things- I feel happy reading about them! I'm glad Tuesday is your last day of work. You need a little time, just to enjoy that special way of being with Ever in these next few weeks, as well as resting and getting ready. Hugs to you and Lola, and to everyone.
Those photos make me smile.
Lola is made of sunbeams! Her image always makes me smile.
So lovely to hear that some things are aligning just as they should! I heaved a huge sigh of relief for you just thinking of Nov. 2. I hope you find some peace in that time.
The right track is good, as are happy close ups, and organic onesies. Happy happy joy joy!!
PS: Keep that baby warm, girl! :)
i am really new to your blog but whenever i peek in...your space it is so filled with emotion. good emotion.
the Universe is Abundant
It all sounds so very wonderful :)
Great post! I love to hear of good things for you all!
i adore your blog... your writing style is beautiful, witty and honest... sometimes hard to come by these days.
Love your list of good things! Fantastic stuff. Especially a big cheer for the IEP meeting and school support for Dakota! Yay!
I'm so glad that you have support after Ever is born.
And Lola is adorable.
Wow. Funny how someone can be in the dark for so long and then it's like the shade just gets pulled up! Zing! Light! and this is all such good news.
(I know exactly how you feel about Lola, having had a child like that myself and oh- sometimes it is more worrisome than the troubling ones.)
Maggie- great love from Florida. Do you feel it?
completely thrilled for you.
Will you be posting an address where your bloggy friends can send gifties for you and Ever??
Would love to add to her collections of welcome gifts!
I am happy you have such good things going on. The photos of Lola are precious.
Love you, dear.
You are a good mommy!
It all sounds wonderful. Love it.
Focus on the good, block out the bad! You're doing fine lady...
Wonderful things! It's important to see those things in amongst the day to day drudgery.
Beautiful girl.
(Squee! Harry Potter!)
This post made me so damn giddy...
that part about 'trembling inside knowing that I am responsible for this wonderful creature' ... true, true, so crazy beautifully true. I really like your good things list. :-)
So many happy things! I've often fantasized of having a daughter and naming her Lola. Lolas are usually such great big balls of light. :)
such a good list, maggie. getting so excited for you...this baby is coming soon!! happy, happy days.
(p.s. thank you for always being so thoughtful and awesome in your comments. I always love/appreciate what you have to offer. I know you don't expect reciprocity, but I do wish I had more time to pop over here and elsewhere. I always love reading what you write when I do get the chance to come by.)
This whole post made me smile!
Yay for good things! You've been in need of a break!
And I echo Petit Fleur's sentiment. I feel like I've known you for years, Internet friend, and as such, my hands are just itchin' to craft you and Ever something nice. :)
Hurray for good things!
happy for you, my dearling!!
oh quelle vie!!
Gorgeous. This made me feel lighter.
these good things...they are multiplying, yes?
Oh it's so nice to hear that you are being surrounded by so many "good things", and not the Martha type either, although those would be kind of fun too. Your's are of the more heart hugging kind that you so deserve...and it makes my heart happy for you. Lola is an angel...and Dakota, you're being such a great parent...many wouldn't even take the time...he's very blessed.
Continued "calm delight" for you dear...xo J~
Playing catch-up with some of your posts--great list of good things-I am glad-enjoy it! I can't believe Ever is almost here!
sending tons of good vibes
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