I was very lucky that everyone was able to be there, you never know with parties, who will actually come. A close friend of mine came down from Santa Barbara ( with her son Caspian, one of Lola's best friends since she was two ), my cousin Amalia (the beautiful and wise) her husband Tim and their gorgeous Elton came down from L.A. and Mr. Curry's girl cousins also from various parts of L.A. came down- all three. My Aunt Helen flew in from Illinois! All the expected locals were there too, including my girlfriends Teri and Julie who are lifelong friends that I don't see often. I was surrounded with hugs and laughter and loving faces. The presents were so thoughtful and generous, I'm still blown away by the care everyone took in picking their gifts. I received the things I wanted most from my registry, like a nursing cover, baby monitor set, mobile for her crib at my work, baby play mat, organic towels, organic blankets and wraps, breast pump, chemical free teethers and pacifier... and my mom bought the combination infant car seat and stroller set I had listed- YAY!! It's fantastic and also very pretty, with it's turquoise lining. And of course, there were the adorable baby clothes. Two girls from my work bought a onsie made out of bamboo that reads: Locally Produced ;) Mr. Curry loves that one.
My mom and Lola Moon did such a lovely job putting the whole thing together. Taymar, her boyfriend and Caspian ended up spending the night with us and we stayed up late watching some Netflixed episodes of Dexter. The next morning my preggo swollen self was greeted in my bedroom door with a HUGE camera and sound mike, with Taymar behind it filming. Turns out she was making a film (she's a graphic artist and filmaker- recently in the paper) for One Day On Earth. I'll let you know when that goes up, you can see my part.
Ever is gigantic. No matter how I sit or move now, I can feel her self in there, bunched up against my ribcage and in my ribcage, pressing against my bladder and my pubic bone, punching and kicking me, good girl! She's so strong. And she has had the hiccups a few times in the last week. I'm having painful Braxton-Hicks off and on, pretty good wallops of ones that sometimes make me really sit up and take notice. I can feel my body changing, moving toward readying itself for labor and birth.
Mr. Curry and I are getting the master bedroom ready, only we have...no bed. No mattress. This presents a problem, since we have no money for one either. Still working on that.
I want to thank you all again, you readers and emailers and commenters, for your support during the hard times. It is amazing to me, over and over, what a difference, a shift, I can feel in my perspective or coping ability when I share something here and come back to read your insight, your support, your encouragement, your parallel experiences, your words. It brings my feet over the gaps between stepping stones. I could never underestimate the power of the written word in a social sharing context. Your words bring light to me when I need it most.
Oh Maggie you look stunning! I am glad you got so many beautiful things and so many people obviously love you guys xx
P.S. Thank you for the comment on my blog - your comments always make me see reason - you are the zen master!
The good, moments like this day are the pieces of puzzle making our lifes happy.
You are blessed to have such good friends and relations, Maggie. Your baby is entering a good space with all this care and attention. It all helps as you say thorough the tough times.
Hey beautiful mama- did you feel us there? A day on earth, indeed.
Hi Maggie,
you have a super cool blog. Thanks for stopping by ours and voting for frenchie. ;)
Best of luck to you with the new baby.
So happy to read of a day where loving attention was lavished on you and the new baby.
Your words about blog-friends are so gracious and eloquent.
and you are so special to me, maggie!
thank you!
Hey, you look fab!
You look beautiful. So happy for you. Will pray that all of your bedding situation works out perfectly.
Yay! So glad you enjoyed your day.
Are we still on... for an online shower??
xo pf
You look sooooooo pretty. I will pray for a mattress and box spring for you. Seriously. I prayed for ours after we moved back to TN from Alaska a few months ago and the Universe sent us a perfectly wonderful, clean one for $30.00 on cl.
How exciting. Sounds great and you look fabulous.
Look at you glow! I can't wait to see Ever. You will show us won't you?
I'm so glad so many were able to be there for you. You needed a lift (we all do) & happy it arrived. And yes, you do look great in your stripey top. xo
I'm so happy for you that Ever's shower was so nice and filled with people you love.
You look wonderful, and I am (along with everyone else who reads this, I'm sure) getting so excited to see little Ever come into this world!
You look fantastic! Hope the Braxton-Hicks backs off and leaves you in peace. They suck.
I am getting so excited for you! Isn't it the greatest when family and friends come together just for you and for new life?! I wanted to cry all through my shower, not because of pregnancy hormones, because of the warmth and love surrounding me was almost to much! I send peace to your body as the final weeks come and soon the world will get to meet Ever... xo
not surprised all of those ladies made it to the shower, im sure you attract that love in heaps. happy you got some lovely gear for Ever!
I really loved what you had to say on Cjane's blog. What a mature, beautiful and profound comment. Thank you.
it sounds like you had a wonderful baby shower! And Ever is such a beautiful name!
I love seeing that glow on you ~ absolutely gorgeous!
congratulations on your upcoming arrival...you look so stunning in the photo. i love every word of that last paragraph.
ps. thank you for your kind words over on my little blog.
pss. blessing to you.
Hi Maggie,
Thank you for sharing your shower! I'm glad you got everything you wanted, and visits from your friends and family. I know what you mean about people making a difference. It always helps me when people comment on my blog, giving encouragement and advice, or just saying hello. I've had many a down day brightened by caring people.
This is like a virtual baby shower!
(Our car seat has a turquoise lining, too - it's a happy colour.)
How lovely and exciting. Soon will meet Ms. Ever! Life can be so magical.
You look gorgeous, as does Lola :) My darling, why don't you have a bed in your master bedroom?? I'm confused...
I'm SO, so glad you were able to enjoy the shower. Hugs and love to you. I want to send you a baby present.
Phoenix because we had rented that room out to a renter. The renter has been gone two months and we are painting and cleanign the carpet, then moving back in before Ever is here.
This is what I came over for--to see how you're doing. And you look mahvelous!
I'm so behind on your blog. You look AMAZING!!! Yay for your baby shower!
And, who WANTS to eat healthy at the end of pregnancy. Yes, soo hard to do but you can do it girly! Make sure to sprinkle in some dark chocolate though!
Sooo happy for youu!
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