CORRECTION: I accidentally had linked the wrong post in this first listing here. So those of you who were wondering what the hell remembering veterans had to do with my childhood, now you can rest assured I haven't totally lost it. Yet. Correct link is now up below, and the post is absolutely a stunner. Ruth's husband's guitar link was not working either, for reasons known only to my computer, but is now working. Check it out, third link on the list! Spread the word for them, trying to make it with a self started business in this economy is rough and brave.
This post actually helped me deal more with the hardness of my life, the things that have been or are hard, my childhood especially, and the things it left me to work out for the rest of my life, like a complicated knit sweater I realized at the very end loop was all wrong, all along. It's a beautiful piece of writing but more than that, I prize it because it is knowledge or wisdom earned not from books or lectures or contemplation or any external source, but from experience internalized.
Ever flipped again. I went to a non stress test for her, and everything looks great. I got to see her 'practice breathing' which brought tears to my eyes. And I got to see that her head was once again upward, pressing against my left rib cage. So. There you have it. What can I do? Just wait.
Ruth wrote me about her husband's new-ish business, and it's pretty awesome. If you are a musician or know a musician, you want to look at this gorgeousness
A great, interesting interview with Po Bronson, author of Nutureshock and father of two, on his book about scientific information and parenting choices. This is a book I have on my Amazon list and have found fascinating to flip through in Borders.
I'm on page 1 of the Babble list thanks to you guys! Thank you so much if you've voted, it's a small thing I know but it makes me happy!
Love, love this discussion and brief interview with Lori Munson regarding the memoir she wrote about her marriage, This Is Not The Story You Think It Is: An Unlikely Season Of Happiness, on Lindsey's nourishment-for-the-soul blog A Design So Vast. I'm putting this book in my cart; I aspire to write so honestly and movingly about my own marriage here on Flux.
Something beautiful? Something unique? Here.
Saving the best for last, bring out your tissues and close your cubicle, tell your children you need 15 minutes without disturbance, let them turn the TV on. Because once you start reading this, and then get to the point where you realize what kind of story you are reading- that it's not the birth story you thought you were reading- you will not be able to stop. One of the most moving, heartwrenching and breathtaking posts I've ever read online. Thank me later. And thank Girl Who for linking it, so I could find it, and link it to you.
XOXO Maggie May
Thank you! Honored to be mentioned here, and am off to read Nella's birth story right now. I hope you love This is Not the Story You Think It Is - let me know!
That story was funny! I never, ever thought of pooping when I was pushing. Honestly. Yet if I was told that story like that woman, at 16, I think it would have stayed in memory too.
Oh Ever, please go head more the way when is your due date?
And your first paragraph as well as the photo...took my breath away. I am glad I am not alone in those thoughts but you put it down so lovely in your writing...
That was an amazing story. You were right about closing the door. I've gone through several tissues. Beautiful and honest. Thanks for sharing - as always.
Yay! Thank you!
Yeah. Amazing story. Powerful and pure. Wow. Nella. Wow. What a blessed and beautiful child.
Dear Maggie,
I really, really did want to know, especially that last post, where I am crying now, but they are good tears. Lainey and Nella are both beautiful girls, lucky to have a special Mom, who was lucky to be surrounded by so many close friends and family at a difficult time, and then the blog community, a testimony to the difference it can make when caring strangers give support, and become friends. Thank you for all the links. The most beautiful image to me from Kelle's post was her description of her little daughter's pride in her new baby sister, the unconditional love, which showed her the way.
So, Ever is topsy-turvy again. It will all go beautifully, no matter which way she decides to come. I always told my son there were two ways to be born: through the birth canal, or to be lifted out of your Mommy's tummy. Any way is good. It must have been amazing to see Ever practicing breathing.
Thanks for sharing all this.
Oh thank you Maggie May. Right now I'm needing things like this to survive.
Thank you
I look forward to seeing what Ever will add to the beautiful family of babies featured this trailer Enjoy ;)
I can't imagine how you must feel with the stress of pregnancy and the "What if?" I have never been in your boat.
Thanks for your comments about the internship. I can't imagine being without him for 2-3 months, but really, it will be a great self-development period for the both of us.
Tissues was right! A very honest and beautifully illustrated account, such sweet wonderful photos at the end(Nelli's birth). Thank you for sharing it and am happy to here that Ever is the right way up! Best of luck on the upcoming journey to that other side of pregnancy! - j
"Thank me later"
Consider yourself thanked. I have read it twice, cried tears of humanity both times, forwarded it to a selection of other beautiful women who I know will love it just as much. Such raw and beautiful authenticity. Thank you x100.
I'm looking forward to seeing Ever - as the time gets closer I feel more excited even though we have never even met.
I love the internet.
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