Saturday, September 20, 2008


i i eee said...

Are those buttons available somewhere to purchase? I know lots of people who would want one.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for commenting so I would know to stop by yours. I'm always eager to meet fellow Toriphiles, AND if you're a writer AND a Toriphile, well OMG, kindred spirits!

Anonymous said...


Annie said...

Where do I get one? I have an Obama bumper sticker for my car, after my husband stopped by a campaign office, but that's all they had so far. Please, please, please - where can I find these?

Arlene said...

love the pictures of your family, maggie! your kids are adorable.

hope you're doing well. and writing as hard as ever.

i just tagged you with a zombie haiku — in case you'd like to join the fun!


Maggie May said...

i'm sorry i don't know where to get one! i found it on photobucket. i would Love one too, so let's google:)
i've got the bumper sticker obama/biden too, just ordered yesterday.

Simply Me Art said...

HOPE! Im with ya on this! I have two fantastic Obama Buttons I purchased on Etsy! Ive had my Obama signs up since February with my New Obama Biden signs joining them. Please,Please! Jamie

Annie said...

You can get the button here:

The company seems to be legit, but you'll want to judge for yourself. They have T-shirts, yard signs, bumper stickers, buttons, etc... Along with the "Book Lovers for Obama" button, they have numerous other specialty categories, including "Cat Lovers for Obama" "Music Lovers," "Vegetarians," etc...

I saw Barrack Obama speak in a huge indoor stadium rally. He is a powerful speaker, and our best hope for a truly democratic nation. If enough people vote, we can win. I'm most worried about the apathetic voter, who doesn't like the current administration (and McCain/Palin is just a continuation, a puppet presidency controlled by big money interests), but doesn't bother to vote. (Unfortunately, a non-vote is a vote for McCain.) Obama '08!

Annie said...

If anyone doesn't already have it, here's the link to the official Barack Obama store:

The button prices are higher, but the profits will go to the Obama campaign. They've also got great T-shirts in a woman's cut, and a "Women for Obama" button. Still, I've got to get that "book lovers" button!

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