Wednesday, April 7, 2010

list: i'm still smiling

number one on this here gizmo, how Mr. Curry picked me up, miserably sick to my stomach, and curled me in a little ball in his arms to take me to the sunroom, and i farted.

number two, when an simple remark from myself to a nurse poking my veins for blood prompted a 10 minute recap. of every single time she's ever had her blood drawn and what that was like for her, complete with every sentence ending in ' youknowwhatimean? '

number three, when Lola started calling poop butt guts

number four, how Dakota asks me if he can get me anything practically every time he sees me. how he filled the gas tank and said ' don't pay me back, Mom '. how he kisses me on the he is getting so good at a fair fight. how he said today ' i don't know if it's the therapy or what Mom, but things between us are so good now. ' how he made me laugh so hard and loud for so long the other day I had a smile-ache afterward. how much i don't care if this boy gets good grades if this light inside of him will just stay back on, and never leave us again.

number five, when the baby at my work said her first sentence last week and it was.... ' hi, aggie ' ( translation: hi, maggie ) Oh. My. God. And then she smiled and kept saying it, and saying it, and saying it. OMG! the heartmelt was epic.

number six, the bundle of flowers Lola picked for me today, including jasmine, my favorite scent, and the only one i've ever worn.

number seven, Ian blushes when I kiss him and slap his booty, and i know it makes him happy that i love him. and i know he loves me.

number eight, that my dog Wolfgang wakes me up in the morning with his big wide cold wet nose on my cheek, sounding, ' hmmmmmrrrrrrhprough! ' and when i open my eyeballs, he licks em.

number nine, that Lola told me i have beautiful breasts, and she hopes hers look like mine when she grows up. then i told her that would be a good time to ask for the toy section of Target.

number ten, dinner last night my favorite meal ever since i became pregnant: kale pan cooked in olive oil till it's crispy, brown rice, and seasoned baked chicken in big thick slices. can't get enough.
Ms. Moon said...

And now I'm smiling too. That was all just lovely. Especially, somehow, the news about Dakota.

esbboston said...

I wanted to say wonderful, but decided that was too small and decided on 'ten-derful' instead.

Irish Gumbo said...

Absolutely wonderful! May I share in that smile ache?

Butt guts: priceless.

nfmgirl said...

You are one lucky lady, Maggie May. Don't you ever forget it! There is something almost magical about the world you live in.

Mama_Bear_Sarah said...

life is good for you right now.

i'm jealous of your number nine. mine look saggy and wrinkly after nursing 3 little babes.

Therese said...

Lovely list. I remember telling my mom that I rather liked her breasts and hoped to grow a set of my own when I was younger. I didn't quite get what she meant when she said I'd have to pay for them. And then they never appeared... and I got it.

Allison the Meep said...

That list made me smile so big I just showed more teeth than Gary Busey and Julia Roberts combined.

Elizabeth said...

YOU are soundin' good -- and that makes me smile!

Still Life With Coffee said...

love this list of yours

Maggie May said...

your comments just made me practically bawl. i am a sentimental easily overwhelmed by sweetness pregnant fool these days, and i feel so lucky to have you guys.

Maggie May said...

esbboston- i love that!

Annje said...

Sweetest post I have read in a long time. So happy you are smiling.

Tiffany Kadani said...

Poop guts. HAhahaha!

A Musing Mother said...

Oh, I love it!

Do you lick your dog back?

You do, don't you.

Anonymous said...

I love your list! I need to make one of those myself. I especially love the one with Dakota. It makes my heart swell!
I can so relate to number ten. Minus the chicken (vegetarian youknowhatimean) instead, insert pan-fried tofu or tempeh.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

You are surrounded by such bliss, and to recognize it and appreciate it as you do is the ultimate in simply living! Best list I've read in a VERY long time!

The Kitten and the Bear said...

I love that you are still smiling, and that makes me smile too. It makes my heart glad to here that you are contented.

PS: Hooray for boobies

Maggie May said...

I do!

Tania said...

Lady. You make my day.

PurestGreen said...

Butt guts - tee hee. Wonderful, wonderful post Maggie. :)

Avo said...

Thank you for sharing your smiles.

Elisabeth said...

Getting on with it, with joy, sounds good.

Lydia said...

Hurray for Dakota-what a pleasure to read that.
"Butt guts"....she's gonna be a writer, too!
"...the baby at my work ..." so sweet, and doesn't everyone have a baby at their work?!

Catherine said...

And now I'm smiling too! Especially at number one :D

Lovely World said...

Hello. I'm going to attempt to log in via a google account now, since I've had so much trouble with the open ID. This post made me laugh. You've managed to convey the very real and important role of family in our lives. Thank you.

ruthpclark said...

Aw, number four just made my heart melt...

Beth said...

When you can make lists like this, life is grand!
Keep smiling...

jennifer said...

excellent list, maggie! be love!

Johanna said...

Aww, your kids sound so entertaining and delightful. I love it when you share bits and stories about them.

Sweet little post.

Vashti said...

and this list makes me smile! x

Anonymous said...

That is the only term for "poop" I've ever found endearing. I'm stealin' it. Sorry, Lola. I need it. There's too much butt guts in my life and I nicer way to say it.

Rachel said... I love those from my kids. Happy moments!!!

Rebecca said...

I wish my boobs were big enough for my daughter to one day say that they are beautiful..........

Anonymous said...

you have me giggling once again. i love everything about this post.


xo Alison

Mwa said...

That is a GOOD list! My daughter's attention to my breasts is making me really happy, too. And love, especially the children's. And I urgently need to fart myself, so I get that as well.

thais said...

how happy! you are one smiley blessed pregnant lady ;)

mrs mediocrity said...

A lovely list full of lovely smiles and loving thoughts and sweetness. With just the right dose of reality mixed in. :)

Annie said...

"i don't care if this boy gets good grades if this light inside of him will just stay back on, and never leave us again." I need to start chanting this as my mantra. So many times, I'm fussing at my son, and I just want him to be happy. I love your list!

I'm Katie. said...

Is it silly that I laughed out loud at number 1?

I can so relate.


Lola Sharp said...

Oh man, Maggie, between butt guts, you farting, and Dakota doing well...good stuff.

Nothing but love for you.

Patois42 said...

Oh, such a fabulous list. A list to top all lists.

Mel said...

And now I'm smiling too, too! Wonderful list, thanks for all of it. Smile ache is a good thing.
Hope you're not miserable sick any more. Take care!

Unknown said...

all of it.
cyber hugs

~L said...

number four: you described exactly how I feel about my 18 year old son when you said,

"i don't care if this boy gets good grades if this light inside of him will just stay back on, and never leave us again."

Thank you for understanding, without knowing that you do.

Thank you for blogging, I enjoy your posts. Be well,

krista said...

this is a good list. me likey.

Magpie said...

i am never telling my child about #nine! she'd be mercilessly complimentary, just to get to go to target!

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