Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Met President Obama This Morning!!!!

He smells like black honey, he kissed me, I'm swooning....

You read the post labels, don't you?:)
rachel... said...

You bitch. ;)

Annie said...

Great pictures!

Unknown said...

You are SO April Foolsin'! hee hee

I didn't meet him but he works out at the gym I teach at whenever he's in Denver. I saw him there this summer. He was on the elliptical. I wanted to tell him that the elliptical is for wimps and he should buck up and take my spinning class. Not sure how he would of liked that though. I mean he really should of taken my class, he wold have got a WAY better work out, don't you think?!

erin said...

He has such nice teeth. I wish I would have taken better care of my teeth when I was in college. Coffee and cigarettes killed my pearly whites.

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Very cool. He even throws snowballs!!

Captain Dumbass said...

He even looks good throwing a snowball. I like the look on the Secret Service guy in the doorway. "Throw it back and I double tap your ass."

Jenny Grace said...

Good April Fools, but I so WANT it to be true.

Vashti said...

Hahaha! Snowballs in a suit...whats not to love?!!!!

Carrie Nicole said...

such great photos... seeing him like that, seeing him be real and so much the antithesis of the "typical politician" just makes me love him that much more!

great joke btw :)

bernthis said...

omg, are you kidding? I would literally pass out, I am totally in love with that man. he might even replace poor George Clooney who I have been dedicated to for over ten years.

Sara Kempff said...

OMG! could he be any hotter?? & i just watched Jungle Fever for the first time last night!!! you're in-tune with my tv watchin'!?

Ms. Moon said...

And don't you just wish, Maggie May? Don't you just wish?

PurestGreen said...

What remarkable photos!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh youuu!!While I'm writing this he's actually in London Maggie!

Anonymous said...

I was like hey I thought he was in another country or something...
Haha :)

CSD Faux Finishing said...

You almost got me haha

Dare to dream :o)

Someone said...

that was funny, On my facebook account this am it told me that Obama confirmed me as one of his relatives....

Sunday's Pearl said...

I hate you.

Woman in a Window said...

Are you serious? god, he's beautiful.

anymommy said...

Sneak ;-)

Collin Kelley said...

Nice try, Mags. Good pix, though.

julochka said...

excellent april fool's, but he was in London! :-)

Kate Moore said...

Are you joshin' with me?

compulsively yours...for now said...

OKAY you had me until i saw the last writing under the pic. great pics of the prez though!

Jeanne Estridge said...

Great shots. I love how he manages to be cool without making a fool of himself.

Jason, as himself said...

I knew it was too good to be true!

Jason, as himself said...

And I love that he is taking time to throw snowballs. Did W ever do that?

Miss Yvonne said...

I knew it was a joke when you wrote that he smells like black honey. Because everyone knows he smells like hot chocolate.

steenky bee said...

Um, aren't I the lame one for believing it, even after I just read about his London trip, even after I saw all the snow, even after I was amazed that you got that close to take pictures. I didn't realize it until I read through your comments.

I still believe he smells of honey. Isn't that what hope smells like?

patricia zapata said...

LOL. :)

Lola said...

God, he looks yummy!

Maggie May said...

MISS YVONNE you made me laugh out loud!!!

Simplicity said...

Nice! I've been caught up by blog titles a LOT today! It would have been funnier if you'd been throwing a snowball at HIM! heh heh

Diana said...

Thanks for the lovely comment! I am glad you enjoy McSweeney's!

Lacey said...

I saw this somewhere, except it looked like he was throwing snowballs at a cat. And the cat was covered in snow and very sad. I liked your version better, haha!

shrink on the couch said...

now that's its april 2nd, i'm finally catching on....

j. said...

Joke's on me. I was about to write a seriously OMFG comment and then I had to go back and read it... till the labels. Silly, silly me. This is why I have an aversion to April Fools-- I always end up being the fool. haha.

Anyways, I LOVE those photos. Me and my mum.. have this crush on Barack. He's got such a great and charming smile.



Hey Harriet said...

Haha! Too funny! I don't always read post labels, but will in the future ;)

I've just been scrolling through your blog as it's my first visit and I have to say that I love it. Glad I found it :)

Bird Bath said...


LauraCassidy said...

sidy@gmail.comNice to meet you too!! :) thanks for following my blog. Yours is very impressive! I am now a follower. :)


Unknown said...

what? omg. damnit!

Laura said...

Just your title alone cracks me up. Black honey? April fools sweetie.

P.S Come on by. Tag your it with some Q and A. Love your blog!

BrightBoy said...

Wow, lucky you.

Anonymous said...

You did WHAT!!? Oh wait, I just looked down at someone's comment and realised you're april foolsing! Ohhh but wow.. to dream!

The Write Girl said...

Haha. That is too funny : )

Anonymous said...

God, he's adorable.

Patois42 said...

Fabulous joke!

corine said...

I love him. I truly do.
corine/hidden in france

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