Saturday, April 18, 2009

Preggo, My Eggo

I'm so sick. The happiness over this little tiny growing babe inside me is on Mute, pressed down with the consant, ever present naseua I am feeling, which let's up occasionally so that I can realize even more deeply and happily that I am pregnant! And my heart quickens and I put my hand to my stomach and I think about our morning routine and how much earlier I'll have to get up, and hm maybe I could put the baby mat here, and look at how excited Lola is and oh my gosh Dakota will be in college before the baby is in kindergarten, and oh my god the love of a baby, car seats, stroller, nursing, co-sleeping, the birth, my scar tissue from endometriosis, I got pregnant after Stage Four endometriosis! my insurance, calling Mr. Curry and telling him and his happiness so great he can't get to sleep at night, the children talking about names and what they like and don't, a Christmas approaching with a new baby in the house! the smell of my babies, oh shit I gave all my birthing and labor books away over the years, I am already grown out of most of my pants, my breasts are slightly bigger and my bras getting tight, my ass bigger, no fucking WONDER I wasn't losing any weight I was so puzzled why my excercising was making my stomach BIGGER, my mom is so happy, my work girlfriends the most supportive and loving and sweet girls I could have ever dreamed of working with, my whole family happy, my eyes sweep the living room and already I can see the baby, here in Daddy's arms, here on his/her mat cooing, here in my arms screaming, there in a sibling's lap.

A baby. A new baby. Our new baby.!!!!

We got a new car after mine went finished. This one is adorable and a small black SUV with less than 100,000 miles on it and in perfect shape. We got an amazing deal, too, through Mr. Curry's cousin Rob. :)

Meanwhile I'm too sick to read, to be online for more than a few minutes at a time, to talk on the phone, to go to Mr. Curry's grandparent's sixtieth anniversary dinner tonight. Mr. Curry took our three children and I'm here.

Duration of Pregnancy: 9 months
Times Thrown Up Daily: 2
Days in 9 months: 270 average
Amount of possible puking left to do: 540
Amount of times people have already said they think it's twins: 4
Amount of times I've peed myself while throwing up: 2

I've never been this naseaus with a pregnancy. All day, every hour of every day, even when I wake up at night. Terrific cravings that make no sense, which I've never experienced before.
Actually desired avacados and hot dogs the other night? GROSS. I don't even LIKE hot dogs.

Episodes of past vomiting before confirmed pregnant that now make sense: 2
Episodes of flushing and exhaustion "" : 4
Times Mr. Curry has kissed my belly since confirmation: 5
Times Dakota has called me Preggo my Eggo: 5
Times Mr. Curry has driven to get something to help with my stomach: 5
Amount of minutes in the day I thinkortalk about baby names: 180

Yes, I've tried: Ginger Ale, Saltines, Coke (i'm so sorry, baby!) Sprite, Protien, eating crackers for 20 minutes before exiting bed, praying to God over the toilet, sipping water and walking. Coke, Saltines and eating before getting up help a little.

I have not been to the OBGYN yet, and can't wait to find out the due date. We are thinking I might be 2and1/2 months along, but we'll see.

Things that will change with this pregnancy: I will learn how to spell nasueas (nope, not it)

One month ago: I was pretty sure I'd never be able to get pregnant, after two separate doctors telling me the chances were highely unlikely due to Stage Four Endometriosis and three prior surgeries on my abdomen and left ovary, My car had exploded and whimpered away in a puff of smoke, and we had no idea how to navigate a down payment for a new one.

Now: I am pregnant and driving the cutest car I've ever owned.

You never know.

PurestGreen said...

What a wonderful, fantastic, joyful, giddy-beyond-belief post. Deep breath. Make sure you drink enough water, as all the puking can dehydrate you.

Woman in a Window said...

Sweet, sweet, sweet. And what a fun time for me to find you. AND god, you're gonna be such a gorgeous puking mama! Seriously.

BUT I had sever reflux with my second child and it was no fun! Slept sitting up. Not fun, but worth it. The puking...I'm going to say, it will pass.

DKC said...

Oh YAY! I'm sorry you are so sick, that is such a drag. But it was really fun to get a glimpse of all the thoughts zooming around when the moments of joy are there.


Maggie May said...

Purest I have been sipping water all day! I heard about the dehydration concern. And thanks:))

WIW I slept sitting up last night! It did seem to help a bit.

Dana thank you :)

Mantramine said...

congratulations! Hope the sick goes away soon for you.

CashmereLibrarian said...

Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry such a beautiful thing has to be so rough! It must be lovely having everyone so excited. And congrats on your new car!

Steam Me Up, Kid said...

This is so great to hear. I have absolutely nothing in the way of advice, only congratulations.

Jason, as himself said...

It's so great that you're so excited...even with all of the vomiting. I hope it goes away quickly so all that you have left is that pregnant glow.

Ms. Moon said...

Life makes way for life. Get yourself into the same bed as Mr. Curry. It must be done. Conception is one thing. Sharing a pregnancy is another.
Oh. Maggie. E-mail me your address and I will send you my favorite pregnancy books.

Maggie Madison said...

You never know! Have you tried acupressure points on your inner wrists? Saved me from pukedom during two rotavirus attacks on the homefront : )

Amber said...

This is awesome news! I hope you get to feeling better soon. :0)

Sandi said...

I am so happy for you. I have a swing in brand new perfect condition if you want it, I will send it down.

Hang in there. Huge hugs!

Petunia Face said...

If the nausea doesn't subside soon, you might want to ask your doctor about Zofran, and anti-nausea drug first developed for chemo patients but soon discovered to be safe and very helpful for pregnancy. My friend, who is probably due around you, just got a prescription and is feeling tons better.

Happy happy! :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations Girl! I am so happy for you and your family. Such a blessing. Agghh.. the puke/pee thing! I did that too. I had to wear Depends or sit on the throne with a bucket. I am not proud of that :) I would always hear "Oh, you have to do Kegel exercises". I could never do those damn things.

Blessings and a happy, healthy pregnancy!

Peace - Rene

zipbagofbones said...

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Oh my goodness, this is wonderful news!! I'm so so happy for you, but not for your nausea (spelled correctly!).

I had the worst nausea (spelled correctly) in my life when pregnant with my daughter. They have medication that helps, it's really high content vitamins B6 and something else mixed in with it. It helped me somewhat.

Maybe it is twins seeing as you're so nauseated???? Wouldn't that just be hilarious?!

Maggie May said...

no that would NOT be hilarious!!

sarasophia said...

Maggie--have you tried wearing motion sickness wrist bands? Seriously, the only way I survived my last pregnancy--I never EVAH took those suckers off.

Showered in them, slept in them.....

Didn't take them off till month six when the nausea finally abated.

I dunno, maybe they would help:)

<3 sarasophia

anymommy said...

You really don't. I am so happy for you, your joy comes through every line, despite that nasty nausea. May it leave you after the first few weeks. Love to you...both ;-)

Joanna Goddard said...

YAY!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joanna Goddard said...

you are going to be an amazing mother and have a beautiful baby. xoxo

Sab said...

Congrats! Just wandered over here from Lacey's blog and wanted to wish you congrats on your pregnancy!!!

Unknown said...

Bless you getting through all of that throwing up. I hope at some point it lightens up for you, so excited for you with the baby and the new car. :) xx

Anonymous said...

I have a ton of pregnancy books you may have. A few of them were ones you gave me! I also have lots of good (gently used) baby items if you are interested.
We missed you tonight! I hope that your second trimester brings you relief if not sooner.

Barrie said...

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS! I'm sorry you're feeling so lousy, tho. Hopefully it'll pass by the end of the first trimester. And....have you tried those motion sickness bands? You wear them on your wrist, no medicine just pressure points. They are the only way I can get on a boat. And supposedly they're great for morning sickness. You can get them almost anywhere now--drugstore, probably even Walmart.

Anonymous said...

This is so wonderful! You sound so happy, barfing and all, it's so good to hear. I can't help much on the barfing I had to take meds for it during my pg it got so bad. All the way to month 9. I'll pray you don't get to experience that one! Hopefully it'll slow up soon enough.
I wish I lived anywhere close. We have tons of baby stuff sitting around I could give you.

Vashti said...

After reading this post I want to cry and laugh for you. I feel the excitemant and anticipation in your words.
Love to you this sunny but pukey day!

Delphine said...

OOOOH Maggie May I am tingling all over- how joyous ! I am so envious- I shall never be able to have that feeling again! I am 6รจ now with four lovely daughters, but would soloved to have had a boy! I think you are going to have a son!What great news to read after being away rom blogging for a week; I can tell how excited you are ( in between the sicky bits), manymanymany congratulations...........Bloody brilliant!

Beth said...

This post was such a pleasure to read. Despite your nausea (my sympathies) your excitement shines through – as does the wonder of life – both the giving of it and the living of it.

Sharon said...

So Happy for you:)

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

ain't. life. grand?

maggie, maggie, maggie...


Light and Writing said...

I know you are sick but this was such a delight to read! I feel so Happy now!

Unknown said...

This is sooo cute!

Lemonade is the only thing that I was able to keep down when I was prego. How weird is that?

Captain Dumbass said...

I was holding a new baby last night. He was so cute and small and cuddly and just right my imaginary uterus was twitching.

Your puking stats make me happy its only imaginary.

compulsively yours...for now said...

i took herbs my third pregnancy and it completely stopped my nausea i think it was wild yam. you could ask an herbalist and good earth or another natural foods store if you wanted to try that route.

aurbie said...

I love the part where you talked about Christmas. I can just see the Christmas tree lights reflecting in those big baby eyes.

Lacey said...

Isn't it crazy how things work out? I'm so happy for you, and your family, and your new baby, and your super cute car!!!

Anonymous said...

damn Maggie. You're amazing.

Laura said...

I am so excited I get to read all about your pregnancy while I am going through my own! Funny we both just got new cars too, since our other ones were dying. I am so sorry you are so sick. I was fortunate enough to not have to deal with that, but I was so exhausted I am not sure what would have been worse. And the acid reflux.... Ugh! I do alot of sleeping sitting up. Its all worth it though!

her said...

aww please feel better!

Unknown said...

I arfed for the first five months of my first pregnancy, and then arfed through the ENTIRE second pregancy. Blech. Saltines were my best friend both times.
Congrats again!

Kate Moore said...

What's that "they" say? Ask and it shall be delivered. You must have sent a little message out there, a little humble message has been answered.

Lemon said...

this was the most beautiful, most frank and real mother-to-be post. the list of numbering off things made me laugh and cry for you! congrats to you, your Mr. Curry and your family!!

J said...

That's wonderful news indeed. The only thing that helped me when I was pregnant was really, really effervescent water. Generic club soda turned out to help. Didn't keep me from barfing, sadly, but helped me feel a tiny bit better between barfs.

Bless you, and good luck, and I hope the sickness stops soon and the rest of the pregnancy is easy and wonderful.

Anonymous said...

all my love and support to you, my dearling!!!!
of course letter soon!
love you
yolanda lola

PalagiGirl said...

After trying to get prego for 3 years, my doc told me that my chances were about 1% because of my endometriosis. I took his advice and had a hysterectomy a year ago. I wonder what would have happened had we waited. But I know there is a reason for everything. I am so thrilled for you Maggie May! This is a tremendous blessing. I hope you are feeling better soon.

nelya said...

Congratulations Maggie May on this most divine turn of events! I know you could not be happier, afterall, what could be more glorious then bringing new life in to this world. You are so, so right- "you never know."

From the bottom of my heart, I hope the tides have turned and this is only the beginning of many blessings for you and your family, of course, this is the greatest blessing of them all.

Hugs- nkp

Holly said...

reading your joy (yes i read between the puking bouts) made ME happy! can't wait to read all about your journey!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy and your car, too. I hope you feel less nauseous soon.

Cheryl said...

Oh, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Amazing how things turn out.

Lola said...

Well, that all sounds wonderful, except the barfing of course! No advice, since I never had that problem when I was pregnant.

My hangover puking cure is white Minute Rice with nothing but salt. Works every time!!

molly said...

wow. i'm ... wow. congratulations, miss maggie may. that's awesome. you must feel amazing, aside from the nausea, of course.

michellewoo said...

Hee hee. Preggo My Eggo. Are we allowed to call you that, too? ;)

Amber said...

Oh!!! You are so lucky! Personally I would love to be throwing up with morning sickness! It is a great dream of mine. Hopefully some day soon! Good luck with it all.

Jeanne Estridge said...

Two of the best things about Blogworld are getting to share people's grief, and getting to share their joy.

As I'm shallow, I like this better! Looking forward to your marvelous poems and pictures as you go through this.

(For what it's worth, they say intense nausea is the sign of a strong pregnancy.)

Badass Geek said...

Fate seems to be smiling upon you.

I'm glad it is.

Jenny Grace said...

I'm so happy for you!

erin@designcrisis said...

Congratulations! Sorry you're so sick, but if you're 2 1/2 months already, you should be out of the sick phase soon.

Best of luck, and if you come up with any awesome baby boy names, pass them along to me :)

erin@designcrisis said...

Oh, also, you may just be having a boy since you were never this sick with the girls. Our bodies handle the hormones differently...

Magpie said...

The things that happen when I hit "all read". Happy congratulations to you! said...

aww, i'm sorry to hear you're feeling so sick!

i've never had a bunny in the oven, so i don't have any advice for you...

what amazing, happy news.

take care.

la la Lovely said...

Congratulations, you!!! How wonderful... I know this is such a hard stage of it all...and it is hard to see past all of the sick but it will be worth it!!!
xx Trina

LPdots said...

congratulations! it will all be worth it in the end! =)

Anonymous said...

So very happy for you, Maggie May. Feel better.

jen said...

holy cow! i disappear from blogville for a few weeks come back to pregnant maggie may. congratulations! i'm sure this one will be as beautiful as the others!

Steven G said...

one afternoon long ago
before time was defined to him

he sucked on that pacifier less than 10 inches away from my eyes

he looked at me with his brown eyes
blinking only out of instinct, but watching intently

I knew the blinks were blessings, starting at 1, then ending a hundred years from now.

He was on his left side, me on my right.

Today he blinks at a college, shares a dorm, tests the water fountain and studies the pages

Plays Mozart with his long fingers and eyelashes

Damn, I wish Jeanne could meet him.

How to engineer that, I daydream often, with lost megabytes swirling.

Thanks for sharing your journey.


Bee said...

Oh my goodness.

Well, you never know what's coming. For sure. (And now I have to read the backlog of all that I've missed this past month!)

I'm so happy for you and your family . . . but I KNOW how awful the nausea can be. (For the spelling, think of the beginning as "nau" as in nautical . . . and then just "sea." Your baby is floating in an amniotic sea . . . and unfortunately it is making you very seasick!!)

xx, Bee

Bee said...

Oh yea, and about the Coke: sometimes that was the only thing that helped me.

Robin. said...

i hope you're doing well maggie mae... it's been a while since you've posted and i am sure i am not the only one out there hoping you are ok!

The Fox Den said...

Hang in there... as you know, it's all worth it in the end. Congrats. And, take advantage of this "setback"... being pregnant is a great excuse. Then, having a newborn is a great excuse (for a lot of things). Now that mine are entering preschool-age, I'm running out of excuses!

tangobaby said...

What an awesome post. I'm trying not to laugh at your discomfort but just the way you write about it is so touching and funny.

But I do hope the throwing up stops soon. That sucks.

Take care!

zipbagofbones said...

Here's hoping you are feeling a bit better this week.

patricia zapata said...

Oh yeah! Congratulations! I loved being pregnant when I wasn't sick of course. I hope the yucky time will pass soon.

Diana said...

hmmm your stuff has not come up in my Reader lately and I was curious as to why! Grr at feedburner!! Congrats again on your new family to be and I love how you are documenting on such a miracle!

molly said...

ah, thanks for the ending there. true, you never know...

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