Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bates Nut Farm

October in Escondido California, Bates Nut Farm
Steph(anie) said...

Do they still have that craft fair / nut festival every year? My mom and I used to go all the time. Back before either of us had menfolk.

Captain Dumbass said...

I'm off to the pumpkin patch tomorrow. There will be now shorts and t-shirts and definitely no sun.

Irish Gumbo said...

Is that pumpkin bowling I see? Cool!

And hey, who are the nuts? :)

Shaista said...

Sunlight on your faces, beautiful pictures of your family. I love the picture of Lola walking out of the garden in one of the recent posts. How is your garden? No pumpkins in Shelford, England...
Do all your kids love Harry Potter? I have read and re-read every single one of the books. I live for magic! xxx

Annie said...

It looks like a fun day!

justmakingourway said...

I think Bates Nut Farm is the best name for a farm ever!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys got a great pumpkin. We went to the local one and then the one in Del Mar. I might still take the boys to Bates Nut Farm. Good times....good memories.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I didn't realize you were from these parts. I'm in Temecula, and I haven't been to Bate's, but my daughter-in-law is urging me to go. We just moved from Yucaipa and apple country, where they have pumpkins and changing leaves and whatnot. I hear good things about Bate's Nut Farm. Looks like you all had fun.

Maggie May said...

Shaista we are Potter fanatics, capital F! Mr. Curry is reading Lola Harry Potter in bed as we speak :)
And our cats are named:
and Mr. Weasley ( who I cause indignation by calling Wees-Wee)

Jason, as himself said...

Looks like fun! Bates and nut all in the same title. I don't think I can handle it.

Vashti said...

See maggie everyone IS smiling!!! They must have enjoyed themselves!
Love to you today.

babYpose said...

oh nice, halloween and the pumpkin soup are here :)

Kurt said...

The Boy and I are almost finished with Book 5. It's my third time through, his first. The quote is from that book, I believe. My point? Reading is FUNdamental.

Petit fleur said...

Sweet! Great pix.

This has nothing to do with anything really, but just thought it was funny... My son Harley comes up with very odd sayings which he repeats. His latest is "A NUT MUSEUM A NUT MUSEUM" Talk about worrying about damaging a child, I honestly don't know what to think about that!!

Lacey said...

I looks like the perfect day. :-)

Kristin said...

I love Bates Nut Farm!! I'm going there this weekend with my boyfriend. I haven't been there since my field trip in elementary school. :-)

Paula said...

I love seeing pics of your family.. So beautiful!

Phoenix said...

ah, so cute! And I love the Harry Potter reference, lol.

Now I gotta go pick my own pumpkin...

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that there were nut farms. Whew... interesting. Love the pic.

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