This is Lola Moon. Lola is 7. Lola went to the eye doctor, and this is what happened:
" I went to the eye doctor. It was very fun. I didn't need glasses, I was kind of upset because there were these really cool glasses that I wanted. I made my mommy laugh so hard cuz I did a dance and song that goes like this ' ten hand cross, nine hand cross, eight hand cross..' where I do jazz hands across my eyes with the right amount of fingers. And then I did ' subtraction, subtraction. ' My eyes need special treatment called Eye Therapy because my eyes don't focus right and things become double and I skip sentences and words because my eyes aren't tracking and things seem fuzzy. Bye Bye! "
Because I am, to the max.
I love your face Maggie May.
And every freckle it contains:)
--Sara Sophia
you're so damn cute. seriously.
and how much does your daughter look like a supermodel with her legs crossed just so in the dr's chair?
Glad to know you too. *dances* ten hand cross, nine hand cross...
So funny. I love the photo of you, so cute...and Im guessing she gets the legs from you! you are both so beautiful, i hope you have a wonderful happy weekend.
I'm so glad I found your blog! I am enjoying sharing your journey. Thank you!
I'm glad I found you too. There is an aura I like, every time I visit.
Oh I like this post, a little crisp window on a moment. and Lola moon, what a great name!!!
My blog got stuck - kept saying error- for most of the day yesterday, and I thought it was gone for good, and suddenly I realised how much I enjoy this space..this blog world.. and the creative spirits I have crossed paths in that space. It's almost like sharing a personal journal of thoughts, funny that it exists in it's entirety in the ethernet cosmos... if there was a virus it would be gone, no hard carbon copy to be found.
She's 7? She is beautiful.
So cute! I remember wanting glasses & braces when I was young. I even wanted a broken arm, not leg cuz then I couldn't run & play. I guess I was looking for attention (middle child, you know). Well, I got my glasses but luckily I never needed braces or broke anything...yet. Don't worry Lola, you can still wear glasses, just buy the kind with regular glass in them.
I'm glad to know you, too.
I love your face too and the soul it contains - biggest baddest love right back at you. So glad Lola's eyes are perfect, despite no cool glasses. Tell her I never had cool glasses when I was her age - Mum chose the most ghastly pair. To be fair there was almost no choice in Bombay at the time. Still. The horrors.
Next time I need a new pair, can Lola help me? xx
Oh I just realised I said Lola's eyes are perfect... and maybe she doesn't think so, because of the funny tracking... it's just something Dad always tells me about his eyes, and mine. That they are perfect. Even when they appear anything but.
I enjoyed your guest blogger!
OH my god, look at her long and glorious legs, we should all be so lucky!!!
And you Miss Maggie are beautiful
Lola is a long-legged little colt, isn't she? So beautiful.
The feelings are entirely mutual!
Lola has gorgeous legs and a gorgeous mama.
And she writes perdy good too.
My Katya had to have eye therapy exercises in Russia. She was in a specialized orphanage for children with eye problems. But, at 9, she has perfect vision and doesn't need glasses or therapy. So, I guess that stuff works! Cute with the jazz hands, Lola!
Lola's eyes? How about Lola's legs in that first picture? How could she be only seven with a pair like that? And that photo of you is gorgeous, Maggie May -- so soulful.
Thanks guys :) My bangs have been growing out and drive me a bit nutty in pictures. They hang there so stubbornly. But I do love my freckles. And! I do think my Lola is VERY coltish and beautiful. When I look at her it's like looking into the sun. She is so bright and glowing and long and lean and full of life, life, life. It truly keeps me young.
NO WAY Lola is only 7! She's gorgeous and so are you, Maggie!
Freckles make me so happy because I'm covered with them too!
Your face, Lola's face and the entire damn blog make me happy!
I agree with every post here! So darn cute! Makes me wish I could skip ahead a couple years to the family love part of my life, but alas, we shouldn't wish our lives away!
Yay! I love knowing you too!
Very glad to know you as well, my gorgeous blogger friend. And sorry I've been MIA - this fall is swirling by me in a big puff of multi-colored leaves.
Hey Maggie and Lola,
Good posting. You are loved and appreciated.
Does Ms. Lola have a stygmetism? Sometimes those correct themselves, I hear. Good luck with that.
You are both visions... hee hee, get it?
xo pf
Glad to know you too, Ginger Spice.
You and Lola are both so pretty... sigh. ;-)
Okay - no one should look that good in a picture shot in their car! Seriously - beautiful pic of you.
Love the posts narrated by Lola. My Wonderboy (who is 6) has his first eye exam scheduled in two weeks. I'm a little worried he's inherited my crappy vision. He seems excited about going to the eye doctor though! Which I think is funny.
Lola at 7 and you at 34 make a lovely couple indeed.
We love you two,(too).
YOU look like a kid..i like the bangs.
I'm so glad to you know too!!
Lola is a gorgeous colt with those long legs and big eyes and you, quite obviously, are her beautiful mother.
thanks for the comment over at the parakeet. super glad you checked it out. love your blog.
You are so pretty, Maggie. Wow.
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