Saturday, October 31, 2009

Boo! Ellen Rocks Halloween with Great Huge LAUGHS!

Mr. Curry has a HUGE crush on Ellen. He and Lola watch her show every day after he picks Lola up from my work. This is Ellen scaring Taylor Swift and it's hilarious-

Petunia Face said...

I love Ellen, too. Seriously--there is nothing better than listening to people bust up laughing.

Laura Lee said...

hahahah!!! the funniest part is listening to Ellen laughing...

Anonymous said...

That is awesome. I love Ellen (her costume is hilarious!)

Elizabeth said...

That's fantastic. I'm smiling so hard it hurts.

Ms. Moon said...

Ellen. Come on girls- let's admit it- we were all a little sad when she got married. (or is that just me?)

aurbie said...

That was enjoyable. Heehe.

Don't eat too much candy. I have been photographing Halloween all week for the paper. If I see one more costume I am going to scream. Just a minute...someone is at my door...

Barrie said...

I love Ellen too. And my 9 year old loved this clip. Happy Halloween to your little household!

Susanna-Cole King said...

Oh my gosh, I love Ellen! And this was so funny, thanks so much for sharing it! <3


Boozy Tooth said...

Poor Taylor! First Kanye, now this!

Not to kill the funny Halloween buzz, but did anyone see the potential liability of a Taylor Swift skull crack on the porcelain toilet if the joke when awry?

I know, I know.... always the pessimist.

Word verification: nonos as in "no no's." Sweartogod.

Laura said...

Thanks for sharing! I love Ellen, she is hilarious!

Jason, as himself said...

Very funny. Ellen has always cracked me up like no other!

Captain Dumbass said...

Could you imagine having Ellen as a friend?

Petit fleur said...

This is so bizarre, I am WATCHING ELLEN right NOW!! For a few seconds I had Ellen on my puter AND my tv!! The really interesting thing is I hardly ever get to watch Ellen because of my son's schedule. His dad is picking him up today.

Thanks for the laugh. That was a great clip!
xo pf

Lydia said...

I had to watch it a couple of times it's so great. Thanks for posting this and for the really good reminder that I should carve out some time each week to watch her show, or heck just record it and see it after the activity of the day is over. Laughing is so important for our health and no one makes me laugh as deeply as Ellen! She's wonderful.

Phoenix said...

LOL! I love that woman's sense of humor - she is just the coolest.

CSD Faux Finishing said...

That was hilarious! Ellen's staff gal outside might have gotten an even bigger laugh out of it than anyone else haha! That costume was fantastic too. Hey has she gotten Clooney on the show yet?

James said...

New respect for Ellen.

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